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Do You Think This Shirt Will Be Ok For My Induction?

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abbeylee90 | 19:00 Mon 16th Oct 2023 | Jobs & Education
277 Answers,default,pd.html?cgid=D1M1G20C4


They wear plain black trousers or skirt or plain shirt or blouse?



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I believe Abbey mentioned having dyspraxia last year...which would go a long way to explain some of her difficulties
13:23 Fri 20th Oct 2023


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Hi no I don't been tested maybe anxiety. I would love and I really do like cleaning or warehouse to a certain extent 

Countrylover - I read that as meaning Abbey has not been tested

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They've put in for a shift I can't do aswell

Why can't you do it?

Molly is probably a solicitor now 🤔😉

Abbey, forget about asking for more hours. They wouldn't increase them unless they saw a big improvement in how you work. You'd have to work towards that and possibly over several months.

Your experience at the till was just nerves and trying to hurry through, not concentrating on the till entry on the screen. You should have had another member of staff guiding you through. You know how to correct it now ? (if it happens again) A little more training and you should be fine 


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Management have to correct it

Margo I read it as

Hi no, I don't. Been tested, maybe anxiety

This conversation is becoming muddled, as I don't know which of your posts is about the care home, or about HB

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HB have put in for a shift I can't do and management refund customers 

Ambiguous Margo.  Some punctuation might help!

Can you ask for a different shift ?

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Yes but I don't work Sundays 

I read it like Pasta did.

Abbey.  Have you been tested for autism?  A simple yes or no will do.  ;0)

'...but I don't work Sundays'

Goodness me!

Oh yes I see what you mean, could be either .

Abbey did you make it clear that you did not work on Sundays ?

So you don't work Saturdays because of social commitments and you don't works Sunday's because?

Both retail and care homes...along with hospitality...will expect employees to do weekend hours. They are open 7 days a week and need to cover every day. You have to adjust...not them. 

What did you tell Home Bargains about your availability when you were interviewed for the job?

there are plenty of care homes.

why dont you see if you can get a job in another one if you like it.

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