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What Shall I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:56 Tue 28th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
383 Answers

Yesterday I got a txt from my job at the care home to say there is no point doing 3 hours per week so will send my p45 and next week wages. Think I might have told you this but they reduced my hours from 30 to 9 hours per week I'm now in a cleaning job cleaning houses 21 hours per was longer Monday-Wednesday but I'm not sure about so hoping to do warehouse work.I regret my decision now to change my days in the care home. I've not had a good day today as supervisor giving me a hard time saying I haven't touched things when I've tried to clean them and it's bad cleaning she find it hard to believe I was a cleaner . They reckon I'm not listening but concentration is my weekness 



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*your second day

You had to ask?  That seems unreasonable - surely your supervisor talked you through/showed you how to operate machinery or whatever?  Maybe it would be an idea to write down instructions so that you could refer to them?

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She did abit but she was gone for a while when I needed a hand and didn't tell me where rest of the washing was so I was just stood there. They said custers getting charged per hour and loosing money 

General Custer?

You will know for next time but really you should be always on the lookout for something useful to do: be proactive, don't just stand around waiting for someone to tell you what to do next. Ask your colleague, the lad, if ever you're unsure, as he seems to have a good handle on what's needed.

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Eventually my colleuge gave me shirts to fold

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Maybe just as good I haven't told no one about this job

You could be right, Abbey.

Has anyone suggested the job centre?

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It's all online these days 

Abbey, you need to give a job a couple of weeks at least, instead of deciding it's not for you on the first or second day.

...and I think you need to be fully engaged with the new job, any job, from the very first day. You've not got off to a good start in the last few jobs. 

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They not giving me chance I don't think doing laundry 

I think there's a good chance they are hoping you will throw the towel in before they have to release you.

You may always struggle with taking on new roles if you have on-the -job  learning difficulties and always perceive you are being treated unfairly. 

It's time you sought medical advice again regarding your dyspraxia or other learning difficulties. There may be someone at the Job Centre who can help too.


The job centre can't help unless you are claiming benefits.

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Job centre only fund when not working and keep track if you are looking for work.

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They got bad reviews on the job site anyway mainly about the boss.

Abbey, do you ever wonder what kind of reviews all these employers would give you? 

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Probably not but it on the jobsite but it about the owner 

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You think also care home cut my hours so I would throw towel in aswell?

Abbey, all this looking back - on what supervisors said or did, the care home cutting your hours and so on - serves no purpose whatsoever. Your job there didn't work out, it's time for you to move on - and to try to make a decent go of whatever your next job is.

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