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Should I Start Looking For A New Job?

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abbeylee90 | 17:12 Mon 10th Jun 2024 | Jobs & Education
348 Answers

Basically my hours have been cut in selco to 24 hours for 4 weeks as I am not grasping the products with it becoming summer it is getting busy and they can't have another cashier with me so if I don't grasp within 4 weeks won't be able to have me as a cashier. I am very upset as I enjoy it.



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It doesn't matter how long you've been going there.  If it's not convenient - and it's not because you have to have time off work to go there - go somewhere else.

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I've had my haird few months ago while I been working in selco 

Abbey, didn't you have to get the time/day off for a previous haircut - as you told us you'd  had it booked before you started the job? What will you do next time round, make the appointment and then assume Selco will agree to switching your shifts, letting you take a day off? You can't expect that to continue, surely?

Abbey, you've previously said you are expected to work weekends although you don't want to. Work MUST come first.

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Yes I did. If I give notice they normally ok.

I have worked a few Saturdays.

Abbey, that's good if you're prepared to accept that you might not always get your shifts changed to suit your hairdressing needs! 'If I give notice they normally OK' sounds good, but I bet whoever's in charge of making up the rotas isn't thrilled! I still think that you should be doing everything possible to  look a good/great employee.

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I was told in a previous job to book the day off if I want my hair done.

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Also when I charged a customer for the wrong item I belive the girl who been there for nearly 2 years was with me.

Abbey, I think we'll have to just let your 'my haircuts come first' attitude go, you're determined to hold on to it. It's a slightly odd attitude, as is 'Do you think I  can ask to come in later to work because I'm going to a friend's birthday do?' -you seem to feel work should fit round your plans, rather than the other way around!

Abbey at 17.25, what has that got to do with anything?! 

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I didn't say it comes first if I couldn't have it off I'd understand I'd re book it.

Well I got blamed for it. Think she a snake anyway 

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Feel like I'm always treated differently 

Sounds like paranoia.  You are being treated as youhave presented yourself.  From what I have gathered this company wants to keep you - if only you will 'toe their line' (which is perfectly reasonable).  They have made allowances for your problems and tried to help you.

I understand that you have made big efforts and they've paid off, haven't they? But you need to keep on making them.  

Look at it this way... the peak of this mountain is you with a solid, full-time job (I'm right aren't I?).

You are in the foothills of the mountain.  You've got there. You've passed (with help) the first slopes. Now you have the rest to do.  Grit your teeth and get on with it.

Hair only needs a cut and blow-dry in the grand scheme of things, Abby (seriously).  An hour at most. I didn't have a professional haircut until I was well into my 30's (marriage and kids put paid to all that).

Now I go every 6 weeks for a cut and blow-dry.  I used to do my own colouring until I decided to let silver flourish!

You need to touch down with reality.  You can do it.

PS  Men don't want to marry plastic 'Barbies' - they want to marry real women.  Hope this helps.  :)

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Maybe I am paranoid but I been feeling so low this week 😕 

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I'm much happier when she is not in.

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If I keep asking will it go against me?

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Yes, abbey, it will go against you.  That's we've all been trying to make you understand.  Do your personal things - hair, nails, shopping, socialising - in your own time.  Don't ask for time off for any of it.  Just go to work when you're supposed to and do the best job you can.

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I mean if I'm unsure on the products 

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