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What Shall I Do?

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abbeylee90 | 15:04 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

I've deiced to make a new thread so I'm having trouble at work I been getting 37.5 hours per week but bow said they havent got the budget to pay me  overtime.I got 10 which is 2 hours per day which im not happy about. Before after my 2 week trial on the till they said they would give me my new contract I don't why they haven't unless because someone came back or after my probation. I'm also having trouble with a supervisor I don't think she likes me but she brought there have been issues with me scanning items wrong and they loosing stock. I don't feel respected.



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abbey, they clearly want someone who is going to really throw themselves into the job and I'm not sure you will, but go along for the interview, talk to them about any concerns you have, and if they don't think it will suit you, they might have something else to offer.  You never get anywhere if you don't try..

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I left the laundry. I am abut anxious about this job but full time.

Abbey, it's perfectly normal to be anxious about new jobs - but I wouldn't start fretting about it just yet, you've still to be offered a job. If you are, concentrate your thinking on how much better life will be if you manage to do the work - and take steps to ensure that happens. 

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I just want to be happy and settle in a full time job so I can move out.

Abbey, those are perfectly normal 'wants' - but only you can ensure that you settle into a full-time job. You have to be able to actually do the work, not just enjoy being there. You've 'enjoyed' quite a few jobs, but none of them have worked out - maybe this one, if you get it, will be different... but only if you make it so. 

PS Job satisfaction, doing a job well, can bring a lot of happiness. 

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I get you need to be able to do it I always thought I couldn't do this job in selco but been it not as hard as it looks

//I always thought I couldn't do this job in selco but been it not as hard as it looks//

That's not the impression we've got based on the problems you experienced with mistakes and the fact that you were having to be monitored closely on the tills and given targets to improve- and your hours were reduced significantly.


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Was left on my own but close enough to ask for help if needed. We could only find out if someone left.

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Sad though as it seems so soon to be leaving selco (if successful) and I thought it would be lonh term.

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It was quite daunting but went well in the end.

Do you think you might have got the job?  

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Hard to tell

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Feel belonged at selco 

When you went to the interview, did you have to provide references, Abbey?

//Feel belonged at selco //

There's no point in dwelling on that. They have drastically cut your hours, they have been reluctant to trust you to work on your own on the tills, and as far as I know you have not yet passed your probation, so a move is the best way forward.

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No and I haven't no 

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They have lost alot of stock 

Ever thought of moving up here to Aberdeen,we have vacancies in my workplace at present.I will help you out.The job isnt exactly rocket science(no funny comments),but quite well paid.

Abbey, you have got me confused now! You've just said you felt you 'belonged' at Selco, but last month you had lots of moans. You said you were having trouble with a supervisor who didn't like you, there were different rules for different people, one girl was disciplined for being off sick and she's in a lot of pain, one of your bosses was 'a snake'  and you agreed with colleagues who said that Selco 'weren't helping you'. Now that it looks as if you'll be leaving soon, it's suddenly a good place, one where you felt you belonged?

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It did yes seems so soon if I leave.

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