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Would It Be A Bad Thing If I Told People I'm Looking For A New Job?

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abbeylee90 | 20:25 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Jobs & Education
200 Answers

A colleuge said today he think my boss (checkout manager) would be on my side if he knew and I was looking and managers wouldn't care.



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Indeed must have put me forward because I know I wouldn't have applied got a job that requires a forklift licence. 

Might do that got my trial in charity shop at 1pm.

If you are worried that what you say might have a negative effect, then just keep your mouth shut and say nothing at all.  


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What do you mean?

Abbey, isn't it just an answer to the main question you asked?

It's you that complicated things slightly, abbey, by going off on a bit of tangent about tomorrow.

If I was an employer, I'd be looking for a reference from your previous employer.  What do you think that might say?

Question Author

Well why would selco need to refused me a reference for going to a job with more hours.

They wouldn't refuse.  They'd probably just confirm that you worked there.

Joe dud your trial go?  You weren't there long.

Selco won't refuse to give you a reference. It might not be a very good one given the problems you have had

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You can't give bad references.

Naomi trial tomorrow at 1pm interview booked for 11.30.

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Calm what problems have I had?

I know they can't give bad references, abbey.  Don't worry about it.


God knows what my predictive text did there!!  

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Yes I booked it for then as place down road from selco but not sure I'm going now.

Not sure you're going where?  To the interview or the trial at the charity shop?

Problems at Selco. Reduced hours, no contract, having difficulty on tills. These are some of the things you have told us about

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Naomi Interview 

Yes but I'm not applying for jobs on the till selling products with no bar code.

Abbey, you won't be able to do that job.  It's too much responsibility and it's a job that needs to be taken very seriously.  You should cancel.  You're wasting your time and theirs.

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I will because there's I  applied for that so they got my CV somehow.

Up to you - but be prepared for disappointment.  

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