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Why Might I Be Struggling For A Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:03 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Jobs & Education
96 Answers

I keep applying for jobs as I want to get out of selco as you know but I can't even get an interview



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Scorpio I might be able to

Accor hotels are employing waiting staff in their Cardiff hotels.

Just a quick google brings up over 300 vacancies for waiting staff. Both day and evening.

Abbey, you seemed to get on OK when working at McDonalds apart from problems with time off ... would you not think of returning there full-time?

"Why Might I Be Struggling For A Job?" - because you are an absolute nightmare love.

I didn't mean dog-walking, but helping in kennels, feeding, cleaning, grooming 

Abbey, you seemed puzzled that  it was mentioned  that you 'couldn't cope with cleaning'. I think this is because you didn't do well at all in the care home, nor in the cleaning firm - both places cut your hours and put you into different roles. 

Abbey, we can only go on what you have told us.

What  job do you think you have done well in recent years?

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I can't go back to mcdonalds because of my mental health. I do cleaning now and they can't cut my hours for that. Yes there's a dog groomers by me and hoping to go to the recruitment day. I'm glad I'm single at this moment in time with my issues.

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I did well in McDonald's but to stressful and could possibly trigger a seizure.

Why does your mental health stop you working at McDonald's?

I can't work out if you are very clever or a bit daft!

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They overwork you.

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DIDL Neither can I or if I have mental health issues.

2 years ago, the kind people of AB suggested you seek medical help. You don't appear to have.

Abbey, they don't overwork you - they expect you to do the job they're paying you to do.  I don't think you understand that.  

I don't think they overwork you, they expect you to work for your salary. Big difference

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Yes I do the job but just the late nights and expect you to stay if it gets busy.

They cannot stop you clocking off at the end of the shift as long as you have carried out a proper handover and haven't just waltzed off at the end.

the care home cut your cleaning hours and gave you 3 hours cleaning 1 staircase (which if that isnt "make-work" i dunno what is!)

you couldnt do the cleaning in people's houses properly and they took you off it.  you couldnt cope with doing laundry  That's what i mean when i say you cant cope with cleaning

also, what jobs want you to work overnight as a waitress??  who are you waiting on in the middle of the night?

also, wot's up with working nights?

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