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What Do I Do If I Get This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 20:47 Sun 03rd Nov 2024 | Jobs & Education
362 Answers

I got an interview tomorrow in a new shop opening which is meant to be on 9th. I need to give 2 weeks notice to selco so what do I say?


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Like display of the shop and I had tp leave there as I was moving so had to change my hours, they didn't like so were going to change my contracted hours.

That sounds totally irrelevant. You'll never take a job if you always worry the job will turn out like a previous one.

Abbey, as you said - that was years ago, and you shouldn't let the display of a shop put you off starting a new job (especially when it's taken you so long to get one!)

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Hopefully it don't.

Abbey, it's not really 'hopefully' - it's more a case of you letting it or not letting it affect you. Surely you'd rather concentrate on the present - and then maybe the future - than dwell on 'Well, I had a rotten time before when I was in a place with that sort of layout'? 

Have you preapred your letter ready for tomorrow? It might take your mind off what happened ages ago at B&M. Type it up and use the spellchecker. A site like this might help

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Only my name and address on top page

It's not a deal breaker but in a formal letter the convention is to put your address and date at the top ( top right) but not your name.

Do it now before you're too tired or get distracted by social media/ AB.

Abbey, don't fret over the layout of the letter.  Just put your address in the top right hand corner, a space beneath it and put tomorrow's date there and then type the letter as I told you.  

You're not applying for a job - you're resigning - so your letter doesn't need to impress anyone.  You just need to tell them you're leaving and when.  

Abbey, do as Naomi states - end of. x

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Do I need to put the employers address on my letter?

I would put it on the left just below the date which is on the right. But it's not important. You are handing it over. They know their own address.

Just draft a letter now then ask your mum to check it.

You can put the employers name on the left if you want to but it won't matter if you don't.  

I'm flattered.

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I've started writing do I put my number or email?

There's no real need but also mo harm.

You could just add a paragraph that says something like " If you need further information I can be contacted via email at..... or by telephone on....


Fat fingers.

Mo harm = No harm

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And name and address on the envelope?

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Feels weird writing a resignation letter to selco.

Abbey, it's not weird at all - most people have to write resignation letters during their working lives, leaving for all sorts of reasons.You've been wanting out of there for a while now, you didn't think you treated you very well...I thought you'd have been pleased you were getting out. 

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