Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
the applicant in a tribunal hearing has failed to serve his written submissions, the adjudicator on the day of the hearing gave him 14 days to serve them, deadline was 4pm yesterday. does this class...
are holiday opportunities a ligitimate company
My parents have a house in Florida that still has a mortgage on it, which they want to "gift" to both myself and my sister. It is both my and my sister's intention to extend our current mortgages here...
can further evidence be produced during the period both the applicant and respondant have to 'sum up'. i attended a land reg tribunal hearing as the respondant but time ran out so the adjudicator gave...
Which law was repealed by the Social Security Contributions and Benefit Act 1992 with regarding to contribution based payments to people incapable of working?
what you you put in a letter to communicate that the people at last nights' dinner possibly consumed a potentially hazardous food. Dear ....XYZ company has recalled abc product which was served...bla...
what happened donoghue v stevenson ?
my neighbour without talking to us has removed a boundary fence and put up a new fence. we agree that the old fence was a jointly owned boundary fence. we have asked him to move the new fence wholly...
As you know from all my previous posts ( I know theres been a lot) but your advice and help has kept me sane whilst going through all this. The hearing is to take place on Wed next week. I know all...
Due to attend a tribunal hearing in next few days and the applicant has not served any trial bundles (no surprise there). these should be served to everybody attending the hearing no later than 10...
is there a law to prohibit a dog pulling a cart on a public highway
Breif description ( as breif as possible) 2 parents ( one seriously disabled ) 4 kids and loads of grandchildren. 1 child and 1 grandchild bought parents home some years ago (all done through a...
I didn't explain myself proplery earlier. I am not the married one, but my partner is. His ex is supposedly sorting it. How long does this take, especially when the "other party" is meant to be...
My brother has just married a woman from the Caribbean (Barbados in fact) who has 2 children from a previous relationship. He has no children. He lives there but is a UK citizen. In the event of his...
do i have to pay a civil parking ticket, are they enforcable in law, & will the court instruct baliffs if i refuse to pay as this is not a debt but a fine.
What can an employee do when a company in which they work for goes into liquidation.
My mother died recently and my sister and I have always been told by her that she would leave us her personal possessions in her will (jewellery etc). My father has verbally confirmed this is the...
I am so angry about this that I may well go on abit so apologies before I start. I am friends with an elderly man who lives nearby and for the last 4 yrs I have helped him in any way I can with...
I am in the process of returning a claim to my local county court, How long is the turn around till the defendant receives notice of this in the post. . .? So if the court receives my papers back on...
After a two-year battle, my employer's insurers have declined my claim to salary replacement. My employer has admitted that their administration of the claim was at fault, and that they are prepared...