Teddy_boy, I'v been where you are now and my advice is to stop looking for someone for a while and to do a few things first----- take a good look at yourself, is there anything that you could improve? i.e weight, hair style, cloths etc.--------What went wrong in your marrage? is there anything you could learn from for future relationships?. Are you happy with your job? is your home life in order ie clean, garden tidy,.... I know it all sounds really daft, but its all part of getting yourself in the right frame of mind and also taking your mind off being lonely which all helps to make you a happier person and happier people are more attractive than sad ones.. Then join clubs i.e walking clubs, gyms, night classes, and start to go out with any single mates you have of your age group.. I was once told that saturday nights were the best to go to pubs because saturday nights are for couples, so most (NOT ALL) the woman that are out without men are not part of a couple.. Good luck, she is out there somewhere so get yourself ready NOW