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no insurance

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springbulb81 | 03:57 Fri 26th Oct 2007 | Law
93 Answers
I was recently stopped on the road doing 80mph in a 30 zone. I have no insurance, tax or M.O.T. I passed my test 6 moths ago and bought a cheap car but could not afford to buy any of these things.

I dont believe you need insurance of M.O.T as long as you drive carefully. I am due in court next week can anyoe please tell me what punishment I can expect to get I;m a little worried I might lose my licence?


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Why don't you do something useful with your life - like become a driving instructor or policeman?
Question Author
3 year disqualifation, �2500 fine and 90 hours community service for those who are interested.
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but who cares! I've already been out driving today!
based on what did I would say you got off lightly! and if that's your attitude you'll be back in court and put in prison next time
Dear twunt,

I don't believe a word you say, but just in case I've just emailed Guildford police details of this thread.

Since you're leaving your IP address behind, and you've said exactly what you got and in which court, it will be a matter of a few minutes work to find out who you are.

Incidentally, in case you think this can't be done, the police can request your IP details under Section 29 of the Data Protection Act.

I'm sure the police would be very interested to hear about your contempt for other road users.

I think you're a cronic bullsh1tter with no life and no penis, but better safe than sorry.


ok Waldo. You must have a sad empty life to waste time and go to the trouble of doing that. what a ******* idiot.
Richie88 - as opposed to the sad empty life of the ****** idiot that posted this question to see how many replies they can generate because they're so pathetic that's how fulfilling their life is??

springbulb81 - tell me. What car were you doing caught doing 80 mph in a 30 in?
Vauxall Corsa why?
downhill was it?
Ooo look, 2 sign in ID's

This is very funny.
Oh I forgto

LMAOPMSL! What a story teller

Sugestion for next sign in name:

Question Author
wow! very interesting! you're all a bunch of *****
"ok Waldo. You must have a sad empty life to waste time and go to the trouble of doing that. what a ******* idiot. "

At least I can remember which ID I'm signed in under, SpringDick.

Which of us is a ******* idiot with a sad empty life again?
of course, and that why you posted a question asking for advice isnt it.

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you waldo, you're the ******* idiot.
That means a lot, coming from you. I shall cherish it like a trophy.
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thanks. your welcome
Is this Richie88 aka springbulb81?
LOL thanks ethel
"Height < 5' (< 152 cm) "

short man syndrome?

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