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Today, 15 Years Ago

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MrFoley | 00:16 Thu 28th Feb 2013 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
Today, 15 years ago, Ireland & the world lost a great comedian and actor...gone to soon, RIP Dermot Morgan


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Ahhh go on.
Hi Mr are you doing? Can't believe it's so long since he died.
Anyway, he's not dead. He's just resting his body in his personal account :)
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Hi Gness, I am doing much better, I will update my thread soon.

How are you doing? :)
God is it that long? What a loss.
15 years? Really? Feck orf! (in the spirit of Father Jack of course).

Recently voted the best ever Ch4 comedy series if I remember correctly, his friend and colleague Ardal O'Hanlon was seriously chuffed and rightly so.

I'm fine thanks MrF and all the better for planning my trip to Ireland this year. Staying a bit longer this time I hope.

Glad you're doing better now...that's good to hear. x
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Good Stuff :)
-- answer removed --
Not heard that jordy

Linehan and Matthews originally scoped out a series called 'Irish Lives' and Ted was just one episode but Channel 4 and Hat Trick asked them to work up just Father Ted as a series

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