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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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No, still in foreign climes with foreign doctors, same old ailments for same old OH. Sun is shining but not as warmly as it should.
Snowfall this afternoon.
Its wormhole time.
1, 2, 3 and we're back in the room!!
snow in Ibiza, what is wrong with the world? Has Trump been messing with the jet stream? It's even going to be cold in London. For the first time I am beginning to think this holiday wasn't a mistake. Even OH has woken feeling a teensy bit better. And sis's only job for the day has been cancelled so she's going to be able to sleep in (she normally works all night).
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Jno I am so pleased that your OH is feeling a little better, long may it continue.
Morning all :)
I've done the box set binge and nodded off and woken up to the episode titles repeating themselves.
Good news about your OH Jno .Going to the doctor did the trick perhaps. Hope things continue to improve so that you can both enjoy your break.
No news here apart from the fact that Mr Corbyn was in town today to see for himself the policing situation as they have cut the number of PCSO's on the streets.Local elections here soon and he did a bit of door knocking and chatting to people. Didn't knock on my door
'Twas a lovely day though ,bright and sunny until I opened the door to the postman and the east wind blasted through enough to cut you in two and it's going to get colder with snow forecast. Time for bed said sleepyhead .I think it's a two hwb job tonight.
OH's good days so far have all been followed by bad days so I'm not counting my chickens. However, I have been dispatched to buy some porridge oats, so maybe someone is starting to feel peckish again for the first time in a fortnight. If only the porridge will stay down.
See?? Who suggested earlier that OH should eat porridge jno? ME!!!
Hello all. Yep freezing here too. The thing is when one comes home one has to put more clothes on than you need for outside. I look like Michelin man.
Just made chicken, pot and peanut thai curry, pad thai and rice for tonight.
Sun's shining at least.
Good I is. Just decided to have a break from AB (for the sake of my sanity) and I see we've lost another regular too young.
Sorry your OH is still struggling jno but showing signs of improvement is good news.

Just how much colder can it get? Considerably it seems. :( It's making it a long winter with no hope of being in the garden any time soon. I started some spring cleaning, but that's ground to a halt, and there's not much of an incentive for having a hair do. I'd like to wear a full face balaclava with eye holes but I don't want to risk being banned from any more shops.

Hope you're all as well as and keeping your thermals on. In a few months we could be having the hottest summer ever and we'll be wishing it would cool down.
Hello all
Brrr it's so cold.
Nice to see you Robinia and glad you're ok.My libby bodice is sewn on tight. Yes,Ab can drive you insane and it makes your head ache from banging it on your desk :)
Hope the porridge helps Jno.It's very nourishing.Complan may help too as it's easy to digest,that's if you can get in far flung places.
Nothing doing here. Keep warm.
It doesn't take very much to annoy me at the moment shaney, I'm blaming the weather. Funnily enough I had a mug of complan this afternoon, it helps to give my calories/vitamins a boost. I've just had some chs on tst to give my cholesterol a boost and I'm about to have a cuppa and a scone + jam to give my sugar levels a boost.
That's what I call a balanced diet :)
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we had chinese and then blueberry pancakes....pineapple in the sweet and sour sauce and blueberries in the to be healthy innit.
Overdid it with the porridge, sick again :-(

Nice warm day though.
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oh bum
We are just going to have to eat very very carefully for a while, though it means every day is an experiment to see what, and how much, will stay down, and inevitably some of the experiments will fail. There are plenty of websites with advice, much of it conflicting. So it's just sip it and see.
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really hoping your OH is having a better day.
Hello all. Poor OH jno.
Well was a lovely spring day, we trotted off coatless for a few shants, really enjoyable, then it fot dark and wet and cold and peeing down by the time we got home, had to rush to get Mr Ns work clothes off the line and as almost dry popped into drier.
Hooe you are all surviving your wicked weather.
Yes ,it's bitterly cold here with that biting easterly wind although bright sunshine.
I might grow some feathers .In spite of the bird bath water being freezing cold there was a blackbird having a good old wash and brush up in it this morning.
I am sorry to hear your OH is still suffering Jno.Hard to know what to suggest to eat really. Just bland stuff I suppose.I hope things improve soon.
Keep warm folks.
Good day.
Lovely sunny day here. We went to ibiza to see interactive wooden puzzles made out of scraps. Very enjoyable but the kids kept running off with the balls rendering the games useless. Then we popped into Burger King. Home now watching footy!

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