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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Good morning. Well thats something positive isn't it jno? Would OH have the op there? Bit expensive I would guess. What are scopies?
Yes woody a saint indeed, such care for the torties.
No wind today no sun either.
What nice neighbours you have shaney!
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Jno that's kind of good news and I hope enough was done this morning. I would hate the balloon thing too. Its still snowing here but all is well. Hope all is well with you lot too.
I posted ages ago but no idea if its the wormhole or it didnt post!
Back in the room!
Scopies are gastroscpies, colonoscopies, endoscopies, horoscopies and any others I can't think of. I think it will be at least another day before we know if this one has worked, or how much; OH is still feeling battered by the whole procedure.
Oh i see. Internal microscopes? Sorry may I ask up or down? Well how else will I learn?
Just had eggs n chips, comfort food
A long way down, this one. I think they miniaturised Raquel Welch to go down with it and have a look round.
Oh jno your poor OH. I would have choked. Feeling battered isn't surprising!
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I am no saint..its just when a member joins the family, they have to have what they need.
Morning all
I've done it again ,fallen asleep on the sofa. I think I may as well just stay on the sofa until this weather has stopped .More snow tonight just as we thought it was clearing and still freezing cold.It's times like this I'm very grateful for a warm home and grub in the cupboards etc.
Hope this has done the trick for your OH Jno and that things improve.Not a pleasant thing to have to go through though. My best wishes for a speedy recovery.
We had some sad news today .My friend who had the three little dogs,although there's only one left now ,her husband died yesterday. He had muscular dystrophy, poor chap.He got worse very rapidly lately and could hardly speak.
We used to have some nice evenings playing cards together until he became very weak.Awful disease.
Keep warm folks .Night all xx

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hello all. Shaney that's very sad. We have had a slushy thaw day here. I know snow is a nuisance but its been lovely to be mud free. I have made a batch of sourdough pancakes for the freezer and burned my finger. Stay well everyone
Ah me, OH is vomiting acid again, so I suspect the gastroscopy hasn't worked, or at least not very much. We'll be talking to the doctor again tomorrow but this is disappointing.
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sorry to hear this Jno....hopefully better news on monday.
Good morning all. Oh thats a shame jno.
Are you all still surviving fhe cold. Quite pleasant here today but Im indoors. Mr N is repairing a few little things and then cooking a roast lamb.
Im catching up with old schoolfriends from 60 yrs ago. Sad when you find others have died.
Morning all
I'm so sorry to hear that Jno .This must be a nightmare for you both.I hope the doctor can do something.
The mercury has risen and it's slowly thawing . Hooray .5C which is positively balmy compared to what it was .
Is everyone warm and well?
How arw the torts woofy and yes i agree if you take on pets you have to do your best by them. Same with daughters!!
Had a delish roast dinner and there is lamb dripping waiting for some hot toast!
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ridiculous day Neti....had all the covers off the tort boxes and the door on the shed wide open to keep them cool enough to stay asleep!
Yes, a tortoise is for life, not just for Christmas. Woofgang needs to be arranging continuous care for the next 200 years at least.

OH is going to hospital on Wednesday for another, bigger, brighter gastroscopy, so that's a relief. The first one only lasted a day then it was back to vomiting and being unable to eat or drink (for which the prognosis is seldom pleasant). Talk about short-term relief, sticking plaster lasts longer than that. I was starting to get really worried - and OH was beginning to show signs of giving up, which isn't good. However, we're all optimistic again now.
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I am glad you are feeling optimistic. I think you are right to feel that way if that's any comfort. They have seen scarring and know your OH had a bad time with the ulcer. I will have a good pray anyway.
Yes its a thing with tortoises...all of my pets are in my will but tortoises need to be found a specialist carer so I have added instructions and contact details. Now things are warming up again, the next issue is of course prepping the spare room ready for them to be ensconced......because of course as soon as they wake it will turn cold again because sod's law.
Glad you both feel more optimistic Jno. I've been thinking about you and hope things take a turn for the better pdq.
Well all the snow has gone and we had sunny skies and the birds were singing and the bees were a buzzin'.............................
In your dreams shaney .It sloshed it down from about lunchtime and has only just stopped .
What a sobfest on Midwives tonight .
Sleep well folks .

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