Perez felt 'threatened' by Jeremy. He conveniently got himself removed. Perez felt 'threatened' by Ken, a 71 year old man. He was removed. Perez has felt 'threatened' by and has consistently annoyed Alexander to the point that Alexander has snapped, which is exactly what Perez wanted. Now he has left as well.
Alexander was formally cautioned for his comments and behaviour, so why has Perez's revolting, erotic dance the other night gone unpunished? It is indeed the Perez show. If he thinks he's going to intimidate Katie Hopkins until she leaves, he's got another thing coming! I don't like the woman, but at least she isn't butting into everybody else's arguments, like Nadia. I've always liked Nadia, but she is annoying to the extreme in her 'mother hen' role. Even Alexander told her to butt out of his business. Well done him. I'm very sad that he has left, he was very funny. On the BOTS show, they are all saying how quiet and boring certain people are. That's because the camera is always on Perez acting like the spoilt child that he is. I'm sick of him saying that he wants to go home. You know where the door is - I'll help you pack!