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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
1003 Answers
Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
No ...whisky cures everything Lofty :)

Hi chums .just having a coffee fix and break before getting back to my cleaning up .Why does a bit of vacuuming and dusting turn into a marathon cleaning session ...I know why ..the bits you clean show up the bits you haven't cleaned .

Sorry to hear we have unwell elves .Hope you both feel better soon xx

All went well with my bro yesterday .He's just got to wait for results .SiL ok too but has to have a moniter over Christmas which they'll fit tomorrow .She says she hopes it won't be able to tell them if she has the odd choc .
So we are all at the hospital tomorrow

Oh well onwards and upwards ...see you later .
Ordering health and freedom from pain for Neti and Robi.
I went back to bed after taking the boys out this morning and woke when the doorbell went. I leaped out of bed wondering what someone was doing calling at 04.30 in the morning and why the alarm hadn't gone off. Realised when i opened the door to daylight that it was actually 08.30. Happily I had got a dressing gown on!
Going down the road to see my mate this afternoon and taking her a plate of cookies with a bow on.....I am channelling Kirsty Wiseman.......
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Hi all, Shaney I hope you have an enjoyable and hospital free xmas this year, as I wish for all biddies anyway.

Back from dentists, she said it would hurt for two days and has given me some strong painkillers and her phone number (?), took an x-ray and said that the filling was right up to the top of the cavities and that was also causing some nerve ending annoyances, but all looked normal and I would soon be fine, she is so sweet.

Hija cooking tonight, so I am gonna rest before the fun and frolics tomorrow as promised by Mr N. Oh btw he does have a tooth in the photo it's just that it is darker than the rest and looks non existent.
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Evening all, feel tons better, painkillers are wonderful things.

Hija cooked a very nice Mexican meal, we had crispy nachos with two(homemade) dipping sauces, then nachos with melted cheese with the same dipping sauces, then chicken and pepper enchilladas baked with hot cheese and hot sauce, it was truly delightful. She even cleaned the kitchen to almost my standard and mopped the floor. Hey ho!
Am cream crackered .
What isn't clean will have to stay grubby ! It's Christmas .
Off to watch some teevee with stiff drinkie .
Glad you're feeling better Neti ..hope you feel better too Robinia .
Have a nice evening folks ..see you later .
Busy day. Final shopping done, signed off at podiatrist, visited my mate for coffee and a good laugh, her youngest child was there, our godchild, Sis and I had a great time. Tomorrow we bake tuna flavoured dog cookies and wait in for car cage delivery, it's for the dogs to travel in the car, custom built to be as big as possible and leave some room for coats, shopping etc. All cleaning done except the kitchen floor is filthy again :-(
Off to bed. Night Night

Have to be up and out early to shop in the Pensioner time slot in Morrisons in the morning!!;o)

Actually, I do intend to go out early and then not shop again until next Wednesday!!

See you tomorrow

Just listened to a great programme about a singer called Blossom Deary (don't know how to spell her surname) a fantastic Jazz singer.
I'm so pleased the painkillers have worked for you Neti. Hoping that Christmas Day is totally painfree for you.
Off to bed now...

Have a good night everyone..See yer termorrer begorrer!
Lol .. Lofty "Pensioner time slot " ..haha. Make sure you barge into young whippersnappers as you go round the wrong way and ensure you cause havoc at the checkout ,get all your coupons out and make sure you fiddle around looking for change .Don't pack anything until you've paid !.
Oight Oight,sleep Toight xx
Oh Blossom Dearie she is amazing.

Neti I am glad the painkillers are working, make sure you have enough in the house for over christmas. Delighted with your health news Shaney, are you at the hospital with Mr S or is it to do with your bro and SiL? Tell SiL that not only can it tell if you eat chiocs, it beeps extra loud if they have alcoholic centres!!!

Robi, I hope you are picking up, always worrying when a biddy doesn't check in.
The most fun in supermarkets is to stand behind the ditherers and growl at them I find the young mums are the worst. they just want to gossip and the kids run amok.
Anyway time for some kip, laters all.
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Morning all, painfree today yippee, off for shopping fun and frolics (I would rather just come home and laze).

I love Blossom Deary, I saw her live in Ronnie Scotts Club in London in 1966, wonderful, but I feel asleep!
Good Morning all and thanks Woofy for the great vid. A lovely story of her life last night. Some really amusing songs and what a pianist. Not an improvisor but she learnt and wrote all the piano arrangements for her songs - amazing. I'd love to have been able to play like her.
Off to my nephew's this morning. It's his wife's birtday today and they have 3 children so it's Cards and Pressies all round - lovely.

Hope your ok too Robi. And Lottie enjoy your shopping in Morrisons. Their shop is the other side of town from us so I never go. I hear it's good though so maybe one day I'll go and have a look.

Have a good day All See yer later 'gater(s) x
Morning all
Dull but not really cold .
Glad to see you feel better Neti.Hope we see Robinia today .
Yes ,we are to the hospital this afternoon for Mr.S. Woofy .
Bro and SiL are there this morning .
Must get on .Have a good day all .See you later.
Shaney sorry I forgot to say all the best at the Hospital today...x
keeping everything crossed for the Shaneys. I had the traditional Christmas breakfast today - chocolate biscuits and a huge cup of coffee. Noe drying off after shower then domestic pottering while we wait in for delivery.
I overslept. I slept really well last night and Mr LL didn't wake me until he was just about to leave the house at 9.15am!! So I have missed the ruddy pensioner time slot in Morrisons and will have to join the throngs of workers!!!

I now have to find five candles of a specific size (not fork candles!!!) grrrr.

Weather was simply beautiful yesterday. Sunny and warm all day and like an April. Was sunny first thing this morning but is now clouding over.

Best of luck at the hospital for Mr Shaney xxxxx

See you later.
Morning all...what crip weather, dark & piddling down.
Glad you feel better neti. Whatever you're on I'd better have some, still feels like I've got a pick axe in the side of my head....a whole day wasted yesterday and it was a lovely sunny one until the afternoon. Must soldier on today.
I couldn't do the pensioner slot this morning, had to wait in for bro-i-law to stop by. What really annoys me beyond words is every year at this time I see lots of people who I've never seen before walking back from the local shops at the crack of dawn with bags full of groceries. There's nothing left for the bloomin regulars....and if they shopped here regularly we wouldn't have so many closing down...grrrr.

Hope all goes well at the hospital shaney..

KBO all....
people out at the crack of dawn shopping... they're not elves, are they?
no, just grabbin' goblins...
Back to baking today, tuna and garlic Christmas trees and stars for the dogs and spice men and stars as the firs t batch weren't quite spicy enough.
Hope everyone is okay?

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