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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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Thanks Shaney I forgot about UC catch yer later! x
Hi Shaney I got the first question and it was down hill from there :~) I got 6 in total. I bet you did better than that!
Enjoy Miss Marple...and have a good night.
Evening all and Jude, what a great day you had yesterday and yes let's hope they stay together, we don't want Neti to get her paws on your bro;-) Must have been a relief for the gf yesterday, she probably noticed you liked her don't you think.

Do people explicitly not want their kids to learn to walk ha ha, could I have a pair of these for the winter Shaney, I can't possibly slip about any more than I already do so that's okay (Have they fed that baby a Valium to get him to accept those socks, he looks positively dazed&glazed.)

(PS. I don't want those socks, just kidding.)
If we're done with today's catasthenics (stretch one paw, stretch the other paw), maybe just some boxing before we say good night http://www.theanswerb...e/Question932936.html
Lol Kit very funny!! Nothing wrong with laughing at that. I'll tell you something I did to cat it was sitting stalking a bird in my garden and so I lulled it into a false sense of security and then sprayed it with water,.out of a very small dispenser I might add., It didn't half scamper!
Just remembered we were talking about knitting on 4 needles well I did these last year when was fed up one time. I wear them for Tai Chi
Sorry not taking orders as 3 pairs was enough!

Off to bed now have a good night all. See yer later 'gster(s)
well that's done it, my head was full of stuff to say & I clicked on the baby pic
hahahahahahahahahaha, I'm helpless and the tears are running down my face. I've sent it off to my sister already, they're boating people remember. I said 'I bet you wish **** was still a baby now don't you?' Oh lordy.

Sounds like a lovely day Jude, I've spent all afternoon browsing my old school website too, it's very extensive now.

Shaney I'm flattered that you have confidence in me but fruit trees aren't my thing, there are sooo many. I did think about saying 'oh that's a James Grieve & let you believe it', haha. What colour and shape are the apples? We might be able to narrow it down to a couple of hundred. :o) Nip & see the lovely Mr Flowerdew for that one, he lives in your direction doesn't he?
P.S.Kit I think we 3 sisters all liked her( the gf) she was just so nice and joined in everything. Even when we were doing the general knowledge crossie in the Sunday Paper Mag on the way home.
Hi Robi sorry you just nipped in there. Hope you've had a good weekend as I hpe you all have. Really am going to bed now Goodnight again......x
good morning all same old same old. I gave the dogs worm pills yesterday and the gas is appalling...I daren't even light a scented candle. I bet you really wanted to know that didn't you?? Jude I am glad you all approve of the GF, My big sis made a big mistake with a man years ago, it was painful to watch, and nothing you can do.

anyway time for zizz....
♫ Morning has broken....♫...May the force be with you because you're worth it. Amen and out.
There, that's assembly over with...I hated assembly, the only good part was pushing the person in front behind the knee so it gave way :o)

Zizz? I could zizz for England, another night with a chunk of it spent awake.
Now here's a question for miss...When I woke at 3am I lay there thinking about things for a while, as you do, when I suddenly knew there was going to a be a strange noise and where it would be. Time went by & I was just drifting off when there it odd noise. Switched the lamp on & saw it was a small pile of coat hangers that I'd left on a chair earlier in the day which had slid down & one had fallen into the bag I'd taken upstairs at bed time. Sooo, how did I know it would happen, eh? Why did it take until the early hours for those hangers to move? Hmmm, school never answers those questions does it?
I am going to suggest that the hangers moved and your brain put that into a dream about a noise which you dreamed then woke up and the hangers had moved. Apparently the brain can do that...construct dreams backwards from an event and you then "dream" it in a split second. so that the fire engine going past fits nicely into what you were dreaming.
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Hi Biddies. I had a dreadful night with loads of awful nightmares and am now off back to bed to get a bit of quality rest. If I get up straight away after nightmares I feel dreadful all day. Hopefully by midday I will feel better. It's a glorious day - the sort of weather I really love and I hope to get outside for the afternoon.

Morning all, what a lovely one too. Washing out and drying nicely. No Tai chi today as some of the ladies will be away so just meeting my 2 friends at the pub. Can't miss out on lunch with them :~)
As there were no comments yet about me socks I guess you're not too impressed. And they took me weeks to Knit. Oh well have to try something else but not knitting.

Can anybody understand this? I read my Gas/Electic meters myself and send the readings on line and I still have someone come to read them manually. Gas man this morning. Do you reckon they don't trust me or summat. They keep trying to put my DD up but I refuse the increase and for the last 2 years I've had a big refund so I can't make it out.
About assembly, I was lucky enough to be in the choir and had to go up on the balcony and we had CHAIRS to sit on.When on occasions we had to go downstairs we had to sit on the floor.with legs crossed. what a farce!
Another thing I remember well is the smell of rotten eggs from the science lab. Hated that lesson! Can't remember anything I was taught.
Have a good day Biddymates. When I come back from the pub I'm going to mow the grass - I think!
See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning all, I was up til 3.30am waiting for errant daughter to arrive back with my car. she was sober luckily, but I just cannot settle until I know that all is OK! Wish she'd go back to live in Barca! I still worry but there's not too much I can do about it! I can't stay in bed in the mornings unless I'm ill and even then I worry about tidying the house etc. I shall have a siesta this afternoon, a very civilised custom!
Morning girls
We must be on some sort of cosmic plane together .I've only just surfaced .I too had a bad nights sleep and though I rarely remember what I've dreamt about I remember this one .
Why did I dream about clenaing smeary windows and how ever hard I rubbed at them the smears wouldn't go away .
With that and here a pain there a pain I feel like the wreck of the Hesperus this morning .
Bit overcast here . Looks like rain
Didn't watch UC Jude ,just as I sat down to watch the phone rang .Typical.
Miss Marple was good though and your socks are very nice .

Thanks Robinia for the tree .I'll have to investigate further .The apples are only small green skinned ones but very sweet .
shaney if you want to cough up 12 quid these folk will identify your apple for you
you sure they're not gooseberries, shaney?
aha! I told you we could narrow it down you go :o)
Re the dream... windows are about your outlook on life, you want yours to be bright & clear & understandably it isn't for you at the moment. Chin up, keep on with the windolene!

er, yes jno, but now I need to find someone to identify why your link won't work ...have a smack on the back of the hand with a ruler <<thwack!>>

Yes Jude they're required to read your meter at least every... erm, often. I love the socks, you're very patient. I kept getting cut off last night so I had to give up on the puta. Enjoy lunch & the weather, we've got to make the most of this.

I know what you mean woofy & that's happened in the past but this time I'd definitely been awake for quite some time, half an hr maybe, before the thought came to me. I'd woken earlier 'cos like Lottie I'd had one of my recurrent bad dreams. (about helicopter)

Neti I can't stay in bed even when I am ill. The last time I did was 1997ish, really bad flu :o(
Lol Jno, they didn't have any hairs on them :)
Thanks Woofy but I've eaten the two lone apples :)
I might put a piccy on the BBC gardening site and see if anyone knows .I just wondered really .It's such a pretty tree in blossom and as soon as the berries form the birds strip it bare . I suppose it could be some sort of crab apple but they're usually sour and these are sweet .
<oh booger, jno's link works'er mind she must've been bad in the past 24 hrs>

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