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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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I don't think our children actually like to think what we got up to when we were young, especially in the bedroom department. Mind you I would never dream of telling my son of some of my activities. My Mum used to tell him dreadful things about me. She once told him I was promiscuous in my youth - nice eh, and not true. My Mum was a worry!!
I thought Pledge was a polish!Have decided to cut off my flowing locks, as they are getting too long for an old woman. We have a rep here wo has worked for Toni and Guy for 8yrs and decided to come repping for a year before he opens a new Toni and Guy salon. he charges 10€ so won,t break the bank. hope he's not scissor happy, I hate old woman hairstyles!
Defo agree with you Lottie, best not to let them know most of it, mine's amazed when she find photos of me in hippie gear, especially the old afghan coat !
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Pledge is a polish Neti. But it's my name for the Avon Simply Soft oil which Woofie tells me (and I have done some research) is a brilliant insect repellent as well. It smells just like Pledge!! Hope your hair cut goes well Neti. I tried to grow mine last winter because I thought it would look more feminine, but it got to a certain length, went wavy and I looked like someone's great grandmother. Now its blonde, short and wispy again and much much easier - and makes me look younger too.
Hi chooks
Late for school again !
Bit better here today but still ever so windy .
Hope you are all well .
Yes Kit there is a seam but as it's just a short seam it's not long enough for me to get into a tizzy with and there's no chance of me sewing it together back to front :)

We used to swim here in a cold water pool Lofty ,sea water .It was a lovely pool but it's gone now :(
I used dive bomb off the top board

I remember going to swimming baths down the bottom of Wimbledon Broadway and I used to swim regularly in the one in Morden Park .
Considering we live at the seaside pools are thin on the ground here now .One is exclusivley for the swimming clubs and I wouldn't dip a toe into the one in Yarmouth for fear of contracting foot and mouth disease .!

Bye for now ,be good and no messing about at the back of the class .
Nooooooo... <gasp>... not outdoor swimming, I'll die and you don't want stikslaughter on your record Miss Lottie now do you?
Here's the one we had to perish in

Oh I can't get on with 4 knitting needles or round ones, I'm giddy enough as it is...Kit's miniclip of the gymnast is me walking down the street some days.

Old people usually have a tale to tell & aren't always narrowminded...Some yrs ago another one I used to chat to who was very smart, make up, hair done every week & came across as a bit 'proper' once jokingly said 'oh you'll have to get a toyboy' and laughed. When I told her 'actually I've got one' I half expected her to stop laughing but her face lit up & she said 'Oh that's fantastic, tell me all about him....' I think she was more upset than me when it fizzled out, haha.
Our schjool only went swimming in a small tuppny'alfpenny council pool and it was so hot that the cloro (Eng?) was stifling, really choking. i was never a good swimmer and have always wanted to be able to jump in from the sides, let alone bomb from the diving board. My bro and my friend (she was 30 yrs old) over here used to jump into another friend's pool from the roof, (origin of Tombstoning I guess) luckily the pool was very deep, and they had a good time, I would have loved to have had the nerve, but I'm scared of water and terrified of it going over my head.
One of the sensible things my old school did was make swimming optional....saved me years of terror. We used to do tennis and netball in the first 3 years then broadened out to add hockey. Rather fetching grey divided skirts for outdoor games and black knickers (steady Vinny) for gym, both with a blue aertex shirt. You got more choice again in the sixth form and I did archery and fencing. I was pretty good with the bow and won student of the year and an actual bow!!

I've been busy this morning. One of the small trees in the garden got half blown over in the wild weather. The trunk which was about 8 inches across had split so I have been out there with a saw cutting it down and taking away the broken half. Hopefully the bit that is still in the ground will shoot again.
Haha Robinia . These old 'uns can tell some stories .My ancient aunt has been married twice .
Her first husband was already married ! He was a bigamist .Needless to say it didn't last long . He went to prison and she divorced him .

Oooh not the divided skirts .Ours were navy and the shirts were navy and white striped .We had navy and white striped socks for hockey.
We used to have Miss Barr for health , hygiene. and movement. What a laugh that was .Shades of Eileen Fowler .
She used to march about in her tweed costume .."and .....stretch..... girls ... and one two three ....bend ".
No wonder I've got sodding arthritics now .
the only way we could do any remotely interesting/varied sports was to go the after school clubs. I was asked by a rather nice lad to be his badminton partner (I was pretty nifty at that) but I couldn't go 'cos I had chimbleys to sweep after school. :o(
Can't they just shaney?... there was some bloomin hypocrisy too in my family I can tell you..'don't do as I did, do as I say'

oh the joys of the scratchy hockey skirt, mine weighed more than I did :o)
Didn't miss Calisthenics did I, oh I sure hope not, I've been so looking forward to it - not. I was overweight for part of my childhood and so hated gym class but for some impenetrable reason I was good at brännboll so I liked that and I loved going to the public bath with my class - just looking at the piccy I can still smell it now. I was like a seal and in the summer when my family went to an outdoors pool I would drop like a bomb from the springboard holding my nose:D

Aww Vinny I like big ears you. And Neti the hoop girl was good. Your story about the gay couple reminded me of a story a work mate told me long ago. She was involved in a conversation with quite a prominent figure in the small town where this took place and he had just been telling her about how he had recently moved to a huge new apartment. Knowing that he was a divorced dad she said something like "So now you live there with your boy do you" whereupon he replied "No it's over". This was in a very small town some thirty years ago so to her it was a more tea vicar moment. I'm genuinely glad we've come a long way since then; not much shocks me but I don't like it when people are all over each other two inches in front of me, that's just rude, regardless of gender. (cont.)
(cont.) But here I am trying to pretend I've taken my exercise already when in fact I haven't. Okay, here we go! Try to keep up, biddies! (one of the comments is priceless: Yeah, burn baby burn)
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A brief look in. I learned to swim in the pool at the bottom of the Broadway Shaney. Mum paid for me to have lessons before I started secondary school. I remember going there as a very young child quite regularly with Mum who was an excellent swimmer. That's when swim hats were compulsory and she made me wear a shower cap!!! I must have been about 5 at the time. I take after my Dad, I don't much like the water or swimming. See you later, kiddos.
http://www.eastbourne...rt/swimming/motcombe/ Here's mine, obviously too small and smelly to have indoor piccies. It's still the law here in Spain, Lottie, to wear swim caps, and my daughter has so much thick hair, we could never get it on and being rubber it hurt like mad. Then they introduced cloth ones which kept the hair out of the way but also soaking wet!
Neti , the new avatar, is that your saturday job?
No woofy, just me waiting on Mr N, as usual !!!!
I need help from Dimmock of Derby
Wake up at the back there and stop eating your sarnies with the desk lid up ...
I've just been and picked two lone apples from my tree .They're only small but sooo sweet and juicy .
This is the tree in blossom

It has little red berries after the blossom drops which the birds love ,which is probably why I've only got two apples !
Any ideas what sort of tree it is .Thank you Charlie :)))
Evening each, I'm back at last. All the type errors were real (almost) I was knackered to put it blunt. Had a great day, when we arrived we started with champagne. Plenty of food and a good talk to my cousins and relations down that way. My bro's girlfriend is lovely, I hope he sticks with her for a long time. I know I only met her yesterday but she fitted in brilliantly and we were chatting away in the car going down. It must have been a bit daunting for her with 3 of his sisters there as well. This is where I learnt to swim. It is called Queen St. Baths in Derby. I hated going with school cos I hated going under water and the teachers were really bossy and orrible but I did learn and can do a few lengths now but must admit I don't go very often. There used to be a Lido at Alfreton where I only went once, The only other outdoor swiimming I do is abroad in the sea when it's hot hot hot!! The last time was in 2006 on Corfu.
Today, I started to look for some school photos but I got really into it and spent ages looking and sorting and remeniscing. I came across all the photos of my youngest's wedding which made me feel quite sad but I'm keeping them as yer do. Can't destroy any photos no matter what memories they bring back. Anyway I was going to see if I could show you a school photo but I don't have a scanner to do it properly so will have to wait for my sister to do them for me.
I've also been out walking on me own. Went down the Castle and bumped into a few people I new.Some that remember me but who I couldn't place, like yer do! I was out for about 2 hours so I've had me exercise for today.
I think we're missing Dolly somewhere. Hope she got the address. Maybe she hates school!

See yer in a bit goin to make a cuppa.....
UC's on shortly Jude .I'll do my scores on the doors .
Then I'm going to watch Miss Marple .
Sounds as if you had a good time :)

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