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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
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Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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Twice? well what do you expect from a crispy old woman at this time in the morning!!!
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lol neti

Morning this the maternity ward today? :o) Some difficult times have been had I see.

Loved Call the Midwife, Miranda was great...I wish she'd been there for my first. Pain started late morning, a week late...went in hospital early evening and didn't have him until 7.30 the next morning. It was a long, screaming pain affair, there weren't any epidurals at the time, I'm sure in bigger hospitals and larger cities they were being used but I didn't know anyone who had one. I was left alone in the dark for much of it, (I was only 19) and the last stage took so long he was born distressed, exhausted and potentially starved of oxygen. He was whisked away to another hospital, I didn't even touch or see him for five days. During that time they had said he could die or be left brain damaged but his 8lb size was a good start. I just 'knew' that once he was out of immediate danger he'd be fine....and every day I thank 'whoever' that he grew up to be the fit, confident, intelligent man he is now.
Tarquin just couldn't wait, born five/six weeks early within 3 and a half hours.. luckily he was 6lb 4, good for so premature, but he did develop severe breathing probs and spent his first 2 weeks in hospital. That time I was in the same one so I saw him regularly from the start and we went every day after I was sent home. So I have him to be very thankful for too....I always say we're all survivors! :o)

Much calmer, bright sunny day
Kung Fu chop suey...or whatever. It's the year of the we'll all fit in very well then. :o)
Good morning. Up at 7.00. Now eating breakfast.

Enjoyed The Midwife, but the Birdsong thing afterwards was dire.

Seems that we all had various problems with giving birth except for Shaney!!

Year of the Dragon and on Friday we are going for our lovely celebration at the Thai restaurant. Really looking forward to it.

Nothing else to report.

See you later

Oh Robi and Lottie what dreadful experiences, hope you are a;ll fully recovered now. I think I still have the Baby blues after 26yrs!!!
Good afternoon all, its morning here, I just had special breakfast creel that Sis brings me back from America. Did the sleeping in thing again. Its funny, once I am up and running I am getting on better than I have in ages, just need to sleeeeeep. You'd think the boys would be bouncing off the walls but they really didn't want to run around this morning even though it was mild and dry.
We never had kids so no horror stories, just as well, I don't do pain!
Go with what your body tells you Woofy. Let's face it we are retired and have worked all our lives. We can sleep all day and party all night if we want. No rules or regulations. My neighbour (the lady who died last year) was quite horrified that I didn't rise early or that I used to often sleep during the day) What has it got to do with anyone else what we do in our own homes in our own time. If people call early, I answer the door in my dressing gown with absolutely no qualms - really don't care what people think.

Meggie thinks the same as me - she has been fast asleep all morning!!!!

I have had a twinge in my back all weekend and it has got worse today. It was a bit iffy putting the washing out - I am going nowhere today - I don't feel very confident about getting about!!
What is 'Creel' Woof?
I can't sleep all day, some of us never retire... Mind you I think having my daughter so late in life has kept me young, without her I would really be either an alky or stay-at-home and a misery guts.
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lol Lottie, I'm guessing woofy meant cereal...?
creel is cereal when you are typing sleepy. My neighbours have know we are weird for a long time. I have a sign that i stick on the door saying "please don't knock or ring, leave deliveries in porch, if they need signing for leave a card" I just stick it on the door when I come back from walking the dogs. I suppose I had better get dressed though.....
PS Lottie, I hope the door in your dressing gown isn't in a draughty place......
Neti, I don't sleep all day, but I often sleep during the day.

I rarely go to bed early. Afternoons onwards are my favourite times of day.

What I was trying to say is that you should please yourself. I do keep busy and I had my son late in life too!! I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say, which is do what suits you not what others expect you to do.
Convenient place to have a door Woofy!! ha, ha
Hi Biddybabes
Lovely sunny day here but cold .
Crikey some of you have been the through the mill with giving birth .I must have child bearing hips :) Don't tell sqad though ..haha...The only bad bits I had were one forceps delivery and the other was a slice and dice .The nurse ( male) who stitched me up wasn't very happy with his work so the sod took them out and did it again .Ouch .
Nothing going on here really. I went out early to get a few things and I'm going to make roast chicken later .My digestives and IBS are playing me up something chronic ....
I am struggling to move at the moment, and have decided that a hot shower and back into dressing gown will have to do. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Hopefully this will ease off tomorrow, got to go to Norwich to collect car.
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this is the first day I've been 'moveable' and not half asleep for about two weeks Lottie. I'm wondering if I've had a virus on top of everything else.

btw...There's 25% off some knitwear in M&S...I'm umm-ing and ahh-ing at the moment, there's a space in wardrobe number 14b that's just begging to be filled. ;o)
Lottie dashes over to M&S >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Last day of no delivery charges if spend is over £30.00. Mmmmm, must spend £30.

The one I wanted is only available in Small!! Grey cable jumper with 3/4 sleeves. Oh well.

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