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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
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Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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I'm about to open a tin of fruit cocktail and dollop ice cream on it then eat it watching Law & Order UK then go to bed with me book .Oight Oight .
Sleep toight tonoight :)
Just popped in to say oight oight to all you lovely biddies, sleep tight and lovely dreams!
Fruit cocktail.....lovely must put it on the shopping list. Oight oight all.
Hi Robi,I nearly forgot to tell you ,my email address has changed slightly.It is now 02 instead of 01 after my name.
The weather here is (for an elderly person) too damned hot -I stay inside with all the doors ,windows and blinds closed and the air-conditioing on!!
Of course it is Summer and to be expected but this getting older lark is a bit hard to take in the heat.
Is your son and family still in Perth W.A. I hope they are doing well .
I notice the weather is not helping everyone,s aches and pains over there,well it will soon be Spring and you can get your bikinis out again !
Bye for now ,cup of tea time ,love to you all xxxxxx
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Morning all...dark, dreary and wet but mildish.

Hi Dolly, your details have been amended! Yes, my son's still down under, apparently it was 40C the other day! That wouldn't do for me, I could have happily wandered down the garden in my bikini first thing today in 10C during one of my 'tropical moments' :o). Keep cool and carry on.

The aches and pains are still droning on and getting me down...I don't sleep well as it is, I'd never be able to have an animal on the bed. Well, only if it's stuffed with wheat and doesn't mind having it's brains nuked every night :o)

Oooh, I was only thinking t'other day that I hadn't had fruit cocktail for ages. Mind you, I do think strawberries and squirty cream are the best accompaniment for Law and Order. ;o)
Good Morning Biddyfriends. Good hear from you Dolly. do you watch the tennis. I've just watched Murray win through to the second round of the Australian Open. Such an entertaining match.
I'm now off out to Sainsburys for a 'few bits' and I'm happy to say my itches are almost at an end and my nether region feels like it's on the mend too.
I'm sorry to go on because you're not feeling so good Robi. I hope you get better nights soon. There's nothiing worse than when something keeps you awake at night.

I hope the rest of you have a good day today. I know it wont interest you much but it's a sports day for me. Tennis, Football and Snooker, unless I get a better invitation... #:o) that hash is supposed to be my hair - just playing around. Laters 'gater(s)
Good morning, damp and windy here - and the same outside too!!! ;o)

Nice to hear from you Dolly. My Aunt lives in NSW and when I spoke to her last week she was complaining about the awful heat. She is now 87 and quite disabled, but still manages to get out and about - but at the moment the heat is getting to her.

Actually Robi, I sleep very well when Megs is on the bed with me because she doesn't move all night and doesn't snore or hit me in the face with her legs - can't say the same about Mr LL. (Actually he hits me in the face on a regular basis with his left arm, not his leg).

Son is coming round shortly so that I can sit in his car and try it for size and comfort and ease of entry. Am thinking about buying one like his, but automatic. Found a nice SH one in Norwich which will do for both of us when Mr LL (eventually) decides to retire. He has had a company car for ever and we will miss it.

The one we are thinking out is a Subaru estate. I like it 'cause it's black!!!
good morning all. Grey and windy here again. Having a good old lol here then we'll be going out a bit later as I need some sweatshirts and cotton traders website has only got pale colours or navy and I want grey and purple (not mixed on one shirt)
Hi all
Nice to see you Dolly .That heat would get me down too although I love hot weather but that's a bit too much .My brother also tells me it's very hot and they have air con blasting out.Take care xx

Dull windy day here in more ways than one .
Remind me not to scoff stuffed peppers and then scoff ice cream on top .Am drinking peppermint tea by the gallon atm.
Sorry you had a bad night Robinia ..I must have been in sympathy with you .I was crumped up with indigestion and didn't sleep well at all.
have a good day all .See you later .
Afternoon all, most of my emails addies have been deleted no idea why, can you all just send me an email (to proper addy)so I can have you on my list, the same has happened to Sarumite.

Ugh, fruit cocktail, absolutely HATE it with a vengeance!

catch you later!
I haven't got anyone's email address as I lost them all some while ago ,anyone who wants mine could maybe get it from Robi.Thank you .10-30pm and the sweat is pouring off me(can't spell perspiration!!).Time for a cooling shower .Bye xxxx
What on earth is happening with my yahoo, and sarumite has lost all his details, I have been left with only 12 contacts, and won't let me add more at the moment. Have got lottie's and judes, so wait till it sorts itself out.
I have just vacuumed and steamed my wood floors, only the kitchen left to do but the steamer is empty and I need to cool it before refilling. Sorry, forgot to say Hello to Dolly earlier, I don't do heat either.
Woofy, thank you for that link ^^ was sitting here twiddling my thumbs wondering where my xword had got too!
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a'noon all...blowin a hooley here, I can't hear myself creaking...
oh dear shaney, it's easy to overdo it, better stick to pobs today. I've got a little shop bought quiche for tea and I know there are onions in it, hopefully not too many.
Thanks for the email addys girls, ahem, ola is spelt Hola for anyone bothering!!!! Shaney and woofy still don't have yours but no hurry cos I rarely email any of you. Can always message woofy on FB.

I found that DTGK crossword a stinker today, but finished in 2hrs.
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I'm a Notting'am gal neti...we don't ave h's in our vocabulary..
Who mentioned names eh??

Think I'll wave to jno " Cooeeee jno", it's lunch time there!
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hmmm, well the cap fitted so I wore it....

Yes I might give jno a wave...Hi jno! Warm and sunny is it? Drifting about in a kaftan and flip flops are ya?

<sort of waves>

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