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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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we still have sun which is most weird. I got up, had second breakfast and went back to sleep again and so did the dogs. Its deeply quiet here, I guess everyone (except me) is watching wimblydom. btw thank you for your sun Shaney, the tortoise is most grateful.
Alex Lester has this thing called "fred slippage" its when you start off talking about one thing and the conversation turns at right angles and you end up talking about something else. I think we'll have steak for tea.
My husband reckons I have fred slippage then I change track about three times in one sentence.

I enjoyed F1 and am now sort of keeping an eye on Wimbledon, but I can't get enthusiastic about watching tennis. Be nice if Andy wins - but I don't like him.

Dull and grey here now and a bit chilly. Not raining at the moment and Master LL has just turned up and collected Megs for a walk.
I am stuffing myself with Lidls Ecuador chocolate which has little bits of butterscotch in it and I might just finish the whole bar!!
that sounds good...I must get to lidl again. Abandoned the last trip because of rab's stomach, they get hamburgers at macs when we go to lidl and that wouldn't have been a good idea.
Our weather forecast for the next 10 days!
Am thinking about Junior's wedding on 21st!! Might need a rain cape and wellies!!!
all that rain, even when there are pilgims about? Tut

The rain it raineth on the just
And also on the unjust fella
But mostly on the just because
The unjust steals the just's umbrella.
What a lovely little verse, jno.

I love it!
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I've stuffed myself with Lidls trout fillets and a packet of crisps .It's so edge of seat I stuffed some Maltesers down as well
Rain has stopped play .The roof is going on .Brilliant match so far .Hold it together Andy .You can do it .
And I have now stuffed down some Lidls Deluxe Range Stem Ginger cookies. Delicious!

Good old Lidls. I am getting more and more stuff from there!!
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Lol ...I got rid of over a hundred quid in there yesterday !
Don't tell me -

Herrings and Whiskey ;o) x
I am Cooking. Fresh tuna baked on a bed of veg and new potatoes and Eton mess
We have pollock tonight, with parsley sauce and new pots. Parsley and baby courgettes from the garden. I would actually prefer fish and chips with lots of salt and vinegar but Mr LL doesn't like fish and chips from fish and chip shops :o(
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Well... yes ...there were herrings and whisky amongst my purchases and beer and wine ...hahaa....but as I can't get there for a "big "shop under my own steam I stocked up as I had son with car .I pounce on tins of sauerkraut and suchlike .It lasts until 3012 :)
I noticed when we went in that they have an instore bakery opening soon .

Ah well Andy ..he did his best and it was a very best . The lad played his heart out . Feddy the Fox as Mr S. calls him sneaked home .Great match ,brilliant tennis .
he did do well, didn't he. I sort of thought he might choke like Tiger Tim, but no.
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It was brilliant Jno of the best matches I've seen for a long time .Great rallies . I get a bit bored with the big baseline whackers but that was pure genius and I do love old Boris in the commentary box .He sounds like Mr S ..ze ....zey
oh pollocks, poor Andy. I really felt for him but there was no shame in that match, he did his very best. At least he didn't lose to the gurning pumpkin bum.
We had the mother of all storms here, thunder, lightning & torrential rain but there was no way I was switching the tele off.
Shaney me & my sister love Boris :)
I have got runny eyes....not sore, not itchy just they have been runny all day....annoying

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Whitechapel tonight

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