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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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well it must be early evening here cos its persisting down.
oh... oight oight then. Where I am, it is due to start raining as I step out the door on the way to the doctor's
Raining here now.

Yesterday's forecast for my part of the world was rain all day - clearing in the evening.

In actual fact it was a nice day with quite and lot of sunshine and the rain set in the evening.

So you must be right Woofie, it is evening and...................

Oight, oight.
Ironing incentive or energy to do anything else...

haha, I was going to say it looks and feels like evening here. In between the tropical moments I feel shivery cold & wondered if I was going down with a biddybug but I see it's a meagre 13C so that plus tiredness probably has a lot to do with it.
Oooh, so hot here, had to change into long flowing dress to keep cool when trotting to village for coffee (yes still have one, am addicted!) feel rough now!!

Well done lottie on knowing what is wrong with you!, does it make it any better?

Sad news re my friend, he apparently hanged himself cos he owed so much money, that is just so awful! and his poor young teen daughter finding him! I just couldn't although would never judge others, haven't walked in their shoes!
waft a bit (not too much) of warmth this way neti please, I've put the heating on! It's very sad that people get so low and obviously feel so alone that they see it as the only solution.
ooh, 666 posts, the number of.. Robinia.

That's very sad, neti. Should I feel like topping myself I will do it somewhere I can't be found (unless after a loud domestic, of course, in which case I will be wanting to annoy everyone).
be afraid...

oooh, just caught a glimpse of blue sky
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Sloshing down ..fed up and brassed off with this frigging weather and now some Tory boy wants to nick my bus pass .Grrrrrrr.
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I didn't read back I was so near to self combustion ...
I'm sorry to hear that about your friend Neti .Very tragic .Poor man .
Good afternoon Today it has been Tai chi, lunch with one friend and my niece and then after that visiting Maggie, who I must say is on the mend. She can speak a lot better now but isn't eating ordinary food yet.

So sorry about your friend Neti. Very sad.Life can get people down dreadfully sometimes. I learned about it when I worked at a Psychiatric hospital. People who are really low and intend taking their own lives usually do it when no-one will find them in time to save them and help then so sad.

The rain has been chronic here I was driving down the old A52 and had to slow down for a huge puddle across the road and a car coming in the opposite direction just belted through it and the water splashed all over me and I couldn't see where I was going so just had to stop in the middle until I could see the road again. Aren't some drivers inconsiderate. I have to get cracking again now and change my bed and hopefull get the sheets washed and dried soon. Probably over the clothes airer in my back bedroom. Looks like rain for the rest of the month.
See yer later 'gater(s) x
I have just been out to the hygienist. Got a gold star for teethcleaning. Stopped off at tesco on the way home and the heavens opened while I was in there and flooded the carpark ankle deep. Thought I'd have to wade for it but one bit of carpark is a bit higher than the rest so it drained to a few inches. We weren't supposed to get it today :-(
dogs have eaten chicken and are back asleep.
I'd self combust too shaney but I think I'm too bloody soggy, i feel like a wet mop today.

My sister was complaining about crazy drivers in this weather Jude. They tear down my road like there's no day there won't be. I'm pleased Maggie's doing well, say hello to her from all of us.

Well I see the bluebird of happiness has landed at woofy's's mine

ha ha Robi. I actually have the blue canary...I ordered it from the US because its one of my favourite ever songs and I wanted one when i heard it...its cost me the princely sum of $9 plus p and p and a few quid for a transformer to run it. It sits in a shady corner of my kitchen where the light sensor works most days and makes me smile.
and to make you smile
Had a very quiet afternoon, and then received a dvd of old cine films of Mr N's childhood and out wedding, and one of us in the little tiny house we had oin the country, I didn't recognise myself at first, then I recognised Mr N's grandma sitting under a tree, and then my dog Trampers came bounding into view, awww, such memories, we have just had such a laugh at them, now I can remember why we married!!!
Mr N has to go and collect hija from the airport (where is is bidding her friend farewell!) at 23.00. I shall stay here. Up at 7am to pack all hija's stuff from apartment and then for me to clean it, then hop on a bus with my free pass, and home!
Neti that's lovely, the movies not sorting hija out.
oight oight all, idiot dog is still limping so no running around tomorrow, hopefully we will go get a hamburger weather permitting

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