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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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I could have sworn I posted some congratulations to Lottie for getting a proper diagnosis before. I wonder where they went. Probably in R&S somewhere.
Sorry about your friend Neti. That is dreadful.

Shaney, hope all is well with your brothers foot.

Well, we were both very side and both went to bed and only woke up an hour ago. We are now both preparing dinner. He is doing the salad and I have done the spuds and am grilling prepared smokey spare ribs.

We had no rain at all today!! Weird, cos the weather forecast says the rain is going to clear up tonight and rain again tomorrow.

An early oight oight from me.

Oh and Robi, can you point me towards any good forums for fibro - ta.
We were both actually very tired and not very side!!
I thin my neighbours think i am weird because of my sleep habits so its nice to hear about other people who go to bed when they need to. We aren't out in the morning because Shughy still isn't sound so we are staying up a bit later tonight.
I have the dental hygienist tomorrow. :-(
I've got to see the doctor tomorrow in order to get a prescription for some more cocodamol (used up a lot killing pain in my teeth). I presume there's no reason for this at all but he gets paid more if he hauls me into his surgery. Or am I being unduly cynical?
Do you know I don't think he does. if you have used up your prescription faster than usual or its a while since he has seen you then that might be why.
Me again. Not tired now! I wonder why. ;o)

Hi Woofy. Personally, I think we should heed the good sense of animals and sleep when we are tired. Unfortunately, school, work, etc. makes this virtually impossible, but now I have no ties I can see no reason not to whatsoever. I often sleep an awful lot better during the day than at night (without nightmares, etc.) and I am not a morning person at all. What's more I don't care what others think about me daytime sleeping. My mother was the same, when I lived at home with her (she was a party animal and so was I in my yoof), we often used to sleep for a good few hours on a Saturday afternoon before hitting the town!! My Dad was usually out playing cricket!!

(My neighbours definitely think I'm weird in this respect!)
jno, I think they have a duty not to provide over a certain amount of drugs - not more than 28 days. If I put in a repeat prescription early because of a looming holiday, etc. then they need to know the reason.

I can't take codeine products, even with only a small amount - they make me hallucinate badly (and they don't even ease the pain)!!
I can't take much codeine either, it makes me feel weird, bungs me up and gives me stomach all in all it causes more problems than it it helps. :)

Lottie there are sooo many forums for fibro now, you might even have a support group in your area. There's one in Derby, they meet one Thursday & one Saturday each month and I was going to go but they moved to an out of the way (for me) venue. Considering the cause I didn't think it was very bloomin thoughtful, they expect everyone to have a car I suppose. I did email the leader a couple of times but to be honest she seemed a bit humourless, so it's probably no loss.
Anyway here's a couple to be going on with...
oh booger, look at the time and I only put the puta on to find an address for my sister.
Lol Robi oight oight.
night woofy..mind the bedbugs and all that...

When I went up last night there wa a spider standing by the side of the bed as if it was waiting for me. It's probably up there now, doing my sudokus, 8 at a time :)
I've had these pills since November, so that's not a very rapid rate of use. It was even less until the dental thing. I don't take them very often at all, but ibuprofen wasn't enough to stop the sore mouth. And he's seen me quite recently. However, I shall make use of the appointment to ask about stiff ankles and whether he's got that Xray back that he was supposed to tell me about a month ago.

I see in tomorrow's paper a front-page story about governmetn plans to drop perks for pensioners - free travel, free prescriptions etc. Perhaps I will lie awake all night composing a thunderous letter to the Telegraph.
Morning all, wakey wakey...zzzzzzzzz...if sleepwalking was an olympic event I'd win gold, I don't feel as though I've been to bed. More rain and many roads around Derby are flooded, I don't think the ground can take much more.

jno I think we should send them [goverment] all of our rolling pins and let them batter each other to a pulp.
Morning all, another party animal here, street party in Es Cana last night, great fun and brilliant music, shattered today,but was great!

Hope you are all ok, back later.

Well, if Mr LL and I had to pay for all our pills we might well be out on the streets before long.

OK there are some who could afford to pay, no doubt, but means testing the elderly doesn't seem right some how. Picking on a group who are least likely to fight back.

Going to do some ironing and then meet friend for coffee and scones in town. Ha, ha 'Town' Population about 8000!!

Have just realised that our family will be descending upon us for the wedding weekend and the house is a tip. Fortunately most of them are staying in a holiday cottage about half a mile away, but Mr LL's sister will be with us for a week. Oh dear - housework!!!
Neti, you make me feel weary just thinking about it. Same old same old here. Shughy's hurty leg improving, rain pouring, Rab sat with his head out the door guarding and I am getting up the energy to shower as I have dental hygienist this afternoon.
hello Lottie, you just popped up...
Hi Woofy,

Must admit Neti to not being a party animal any more. I love going out to meals with friends etc. but not a lover of being among loads of people. I used to love to just dance the night away, but obviously for me this aint just possible any more. Poor old soul.............


Keep it up though Neti........................
ha, наркотики, that sounds like the key to health and long life, but I suppose the government will want to charge us for them. I did lie awake for hours for no reason at all and finally gave up and took a sleeping pill, which I'd rather not do. Apparently the rain's going to hold off until the evening so I'll take the opportunity to... erm, nothing

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