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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Evening All. I'm back just in time to watch the Tennis. Well done Murray I say. He put up a really good fight and played very well, even though he lost. I hope he comes back next year to win. That is if there isn't an Englishman to play him of course. Which I doubt.

I've been trying to catch up with your posts but I've got my unpacking to do now so will have to finish tomorrow.
I did notice that you said Mr S has had his tap removed Shaney. I'm happy for him and hope that he can cope well without it.

I got home just before the storm started robi. I still have my front grass to cut but it looks like not at the moment.

Anyway will catch up tomorrow with everything. Hope you all have a good night. Laters 'gaters! xx
I've had really sore tired eyes all week woofy but in my case it's probably a lot to do with too much tele (tennis) and computer.

No one's been able to get their gardens done around here Jude, the gardener's at least 2 weeks behind. It's such a waste of the light nights when it's cold and wet, all I want to do is shut it out.
Mine aren't sore, they just run and run.
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I've just sneezed and snuffled for England and I still have a bit of a chesty cough. I may ..just may ..go to the doctor .
In the meantime honey and lemon may do the trick ..liberally laced with whisky .
Oight Oight folks .
does your nose run?
do your feet smell?

Maybe you're built upside down.
jno have you been drinking???? cos I have....I thin that Neti might have been too. Interesting night....Shughy has hurt his shoulder again....not serious, he has no traction in mud...and couldn't get upstairs so we all slept downstairs. its not a good way for one of us to get much sleep however.
looking dull and grey out, surprise surprise. Back to the dentist for a routine check; that's about 45 minutes each way for a 10-minute appointment, which I hope it will be. I can still feel swelling in my jaw after two weeks but at least you can't see it, and I'm still taking painkillers in the evening as it starts to ache. How I suffer for my art.

I hope other embarrassing biddybodies are perking up.
Off to hospital Rheumatology appointment :o(. Be back later

No change in the weather!!
Morning weather here at all :) As tedious as the rain is I really really don't want that US heatwave thank you very much. My tropical moments have been a lot worse lately, could be the humidity i suppose. Sorry if I'm repeating myself, I'm having a brain fog day.

Good luck jno and Lottie...wish I'd known about the rheumy you could have taken my list of questions :)
its grey and muggy here. I am having a continuous hot moment and feeling like damp blotting paper. I should be cleaning house but cba and cant get the hoover out because it unsettles the dogs and I want Shughy to rest his leg as much as possible. He's at that stupid stage where he doesn't think there's anything wrong till he has galloped around the garden and starts limping again....idiot.
Oh well. tomorrow is also a day.
I can't get the hoover out as it might disturb the dog on the next street, so I know how you feel, woofy.

Apparently my teeth are doing fine but he's given me more antibios to get shot of the swelling, so that's another few alcohol-free days.
ha ha jno, you are soooo kind to animals, and that has cheered me up a lot.
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Hello all
I thought it was nearly time for bed it's so dark and dismal here .
Hope you are all Ok .Nothing exciting going on here .
And no feet don't smell Jno !
I have just been yelled at for suggesting to someone who liked 50 sog, and was looking for similar romance not porn, to try Mills and Boon..... Do wimmins's magazines still have serials and short stories in them?
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Oh pay no attention to him/her Woofy .I was about to suggest that the OP look on Fantastic Fiction in the Romance section but can't be ar sed when you get people like that who nitpick .
Hello Biddiebabes,

I'm back. Had a long session with the Doctor this time who is very sorry that they didn't check whether I was hypermobile earlier. Apparently my problems are because of it, i.e. arthritis everywhere and in pain most of the time. I can remember the pain in my childhood, but that then I don't think people thought hypermobility was a syndrome and just thought it was great to be 'double jointed'. She has also said that she thinks it is highly likely I have fibromyalgia, Robi and has given me lots of information to read and digest.

The next step with my feet is a couple of fusion operations as they are considered severely osteoarthritic, but I don't have to see her any more - I can be referred straight away by my GP to the bone surgeon. I can do this whenever I feel ready (never probably!!).

She doubts whether I will ever have full blown RA, which is a good thing.

I have been discharged from Rheumatology, but I feel now that I have had answers to my questions and at least have been taken seriously and don't feel like a hypochondriac any more.

I have been told that I can remain off the calcium tablets, but must have bone scans every three years which my GP can arrange.

So a worthwhile morning.

I wouldn't have had time for your questions Robi!!!

Hope your mouth settles soon jno.

Shaney, today I had the honour of being the first customer to get a newly baked loaf off the shelves at the new Lidl instore bakery. But I didn't get a prize!! The staff were being taught all the due processes when we were there.

Am now very, very tired.

See you later.
Good day folks, no woofy I hadn't been drinking, just appreciating my life.

So hot here can't do much, went for coffee, came hime made a (tasteless) quiche, now resting in cool bedroom. A friend of ours aged 50 ish was found dead in his house yesterday, not sure if heart attack or heat, awful. Have no energy, just lolling, even too hot for pool, I do that naked at midnight and it is wonderful!
well it turned out nice here and my gardener came at last and disturbed the whole neighbourhood with his beast of a mower...hurray! It looks lovely & the clippings almost filled the bin.

Pleased you had a good result with the rheumatologist Lottie...good luck with the fibro literature, I've found the forums are generally more helpful than books. Shared experience and all that...and no one judging you.

Oooh, I've read some quite racy Mills and Boon in the past. Me and a neighbour went through a phase, we used to get them from charity shops/library and swap, haha. Sad sheltered lives. :)
Yes woofy, Woman's weekly for one has short stories & a serial...are you thinking of writing them? In fact we could all join in, we can take it in turns to do the mucky bits... should be an interesting insight :o)

Sorry about your friend neti, must have been a shock for his family if he has any....get some clothes on...
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Turned out nice here too now as I raced out earlier ,got me washing in ,then went out and hung it out again ..well some of it ... In and out with washing ..I think I'll parcel it all up.. .send it to Neti and she can wash it for me her pool in the nuddy .
Sorry about your friend .Is it really so hot ....I wish it would warm up a bit here .At least some warm sunshine .Fed up with the rain now .

Good result Lofty .At least you now know what's what .My brother just popped in and he's got to have a scan on his feet .He's got some kind of growth on one side of his foot and they can't make out what it is from an Xray .He's a medical mystery lately .
Tut Robinia .....slap me on the bottom with a Womans Weekly :)
I was pulling your leg Neti, and jno's too. I am sorry to hear about your friend....
Lottie i should think you are tired...glad that the news was goodish anyway...and that lidl sounds very posh.
Shaney when you are parcelling the washing, add mine in.

well Robi, we couldn't do worse than that 50 sog nonsense.

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