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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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He has his hands full with you Neti!! I am not easy to live with either.

Let's face it the 'devil you know' and all that jazz..................

Poor Mr N, you and Hija together - he has his work cut out!!! ;o)
hi all just a quick post to let you know i've broken my wrist and i'm now having to use my left hand to do everything. i only did it this morning and am now knackered and i have to go back to the hospital in the morning without eating anything in case they operate to put some metal in. all plastered at the mo. i 'll be back when i can. laters gtrs. x
Sometimes I think it was a good thing I was on my own my adolescent sons, I was the consistently tough one. OH was too lenient one minute and then crashed down on them too hard when they went too far, that's no good imo. I was criticised for setting boundaries but give them too much freedom and they don't know what to do with it. Anyway he proved he couldn't do the job when the oldest went to stay with him for a while. Everybody shut up after that :o)
Oh Jude, how on earth did you do that. You poor thing!!
OH NO JUDE! You poor thing. Hope you feel ok and that you don't need an op. Take care xx

That's the second accident I've heard of today. My sister took a friend to the hospital this morning, she'd tripped over the clothes prop while pegging clothes out and gone down onto her face. nothng broken but badly bruised and shaken.

Please be careful everyone!
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Oh dear ....sorry to hear that Jude .I hope it'll be Ok and that it's just a clean break .Take it easy'll have to pour the Baleys left handed I know ..but look after yourself .Wish we nearer or I'd come and help you .xxx
Robi, I think I was a bit too strict with my son in many respects. He had to behave, but I think I was too wrapped up in him to the exclusion of Mr LL. He was my life. I didn't have him until I was 36. Mr LL thought he needed to be more streetwise and learn by the school of hard knocks. I was far too protective. It was my son himself, once he had been to boarding school that actually wouldn't let me act like that any more.
Just gave Jude a ring, as I know she is on her own. She fell down outside the newsagents this morning at 8.15am and she went by ambulance to hospital. Her sister came down to the hospital to see her. She is obviously in some pain and it's difficult to only have a left hand. She is in plaster with her arm hoisted up to her shoulder level in case of swelling. She says to let you all know she is OK, but she is very fed up!
oh, poor Jude - well, don't wear out your one good hand posting on here, but I hope it's on the mend. And don't let it get to you. My mum fell over and gashed her leg and it took an age to heal; and she just got more and more reluctant to leave the house (not that she was ever a rocker of your standard). So just keep on trucking, even with one hand for a while.

Dear dear, neti, isn't there some sort of Spanish job hija could do?

Oh Jude! This weather has a lot to answer for in terms of slippery pavements and the like. I hope you heal quickly and don't feel too awful and achey.
It wasn't a slippery pavement Woofy - it was the Bailey's!!! 8.15am in the morning................... really Jude that's a bit early to hit the Bailey's!! Chin up if you are reading this Jude. One arm out of action ain't too bad


Keep in touch if you can

Good luck tomorrow! x
Oh that was a lousy start to the day Jude...My mum had a fall on her way to do some shopping and carried on with a broken arm. The shock hit her a few days later so take it very easy Jude. I hope you get some sleep tonight. x
you just need a mouse implant

thanks all for your kind words love jude x
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I hope you get a sleep Jude and good luck for tomorrow .Hope you have someone to go with you .Accept all and any help you can get :))

Oight Oight folks .
Good morning all, tother dog has got the stomach bug so back to the vet ooh this morning. I will be living on bread and water at this rate. Poor love hates the vet, he has to go in muzzled and yells and screams before anything has happened.
Special thoughts for broken jude today, hope you are feeling better too Robi and that peace has returned to the Neti household. Wishing all the biddies a good day...I was planning to take the boys out for much of today as next door is having two trees taken out and I thought it would be quieter all round if they didn't supervise....oh well the best laid plans and all that....
Morning all.

Poor jude, methinks neti should come over and minister to you, but on the other hand, wouldn't make you feel better at all! Rest and take care!

Peace has defo descended on this household, no one is speaking to anyone else!

Poor pup, shugy is it? I'm like that going to the dentist, so I know how he feels!

Take care biddies, laters.
well, that was a short night, about three hours, thanks to a mutinous tummy. I think the antibios may be ceasing to agree with me (and they aren't reducing the swollen jaw at all), so it may be time to give them up.
Honestly jno, is that all worth it? Poor you.
Got even worse here last night, hija needed my car to go and collect the deposit for the flat, and he hid the keys and said no, which meant that in the boiling heat (and it gets worse at around 6pm) I had to slam around getting dressed so I could take her, my language would have shamed a docker! when in actual fact she went and I stayed having a coffee with my friends at the bus stop, then she picked me up and I drove home.

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