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Squeaky Brakes

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Tilly2 | 07:29 Mon 16th Sep 2013 | Cars
91 Answers
Since having my car serviced two weeks ago, the brakes are really squeaky. Will they settle down or do I need to take it back in?


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The squeak is outside the car, at the back, on my side as I'm driving. It's not the pedal.
Not many miles on your car Yilly, wouldn't say that you need new pads just yet, unless you are heavy on the brakes that is !, the rear off side wheel needs to be removed and the brake pads and the brake caliper needs to be inspected ( especially the caliper ) to see what is causing it to squeak, without being able to have a look myself I would only be guessing at the cause. Does it squeak when you put the hand brake on ?.
Also when you apply the brakes while driving does the car tend to pull to one side ?.
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The hand brake doesn't squeak, Yont and I don't think the car pulls to one side.
Right then Yilly, take it in and get it checked, doesn't have to be the main stealership though, however avoid Kwikfit. If I were you I'd take it to your local garage to have a look at it, doesn't sound like anything major to me.
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Tony, I thought I was 'tied' to the dealership because of the lifetime warranty. Is that not the case?
No Tilly, not the case any more
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Evening, sibs. You o.k.?
Yes Psybbo, could well be.
Yilly if you take it to the main stealership will you have to pay ?.
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I should imagine I will have to pay. One always does, doesn't one?
Perhaps a trainee forgot to put the anti-squeal shims back (not knowing what they were).
All Vauxhall cars now have a 100,000 mile lifetime warranty , I have a 1 year old Zafira 12,000 miles, take it back to any Vauxhall main dealer and get them to check it under warranty. You should not have paid for the service if it is that new.
One most certainly does at the main stealerships Yilly, usually through ones nose !.
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All I know is, they didn't squeak before and now they do. I hate cars! I am so much looking forward to getting my bus pass.
Hang on Yilly, I've had an idea !, I'll get in touch with gness I'm sure she would come around and have a go at fixing it for you lol.
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Eddie, I did pay for the service.
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That sounds like a plan, Yont. Gness with a wheel thingy.
LOL gawd help us !.
Hi Tilly, having great difficulties posting on AB, a delay of 5 minutes
What browser are you using Psybbo ?.

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