I think it makes you a better driver if you do not pass your first practical test.
You realise you are not a wonderful driver just an average driver, and hopefully take more care.
I passed first time, am I a wonderful driver? Sadly not.
i passed on my 3rd attempt, i dont agree that after three strikes you should be out, my first two examiners werent very nice, the first one didnt speak at all except to give orders and made me feel very nervous. the third one was brilliant and we got on like a house on fire and he said it was the most enjoyable test he had ever done, i passed and only got one minor.
they are much stricter nowadays and looking for every little mistake
i was told this by an examiner
he said they see so many drivers who really shouldnt be on the road, but just because they managed to drive for 35mins without doing anyhting wrong they passed... so they look for any little thing to add, if they can 'just tell' that they have 'fluked' it...
I didn't pass until my third attempt. When I did finally pass, the examiner I had was Mr. Taylor (aka Taylor the failer) so I figure my driving had reached a pretty good standard to be passed by him.
I then went on to pass the IAM test first time.
BTW my brother passed first time and has been banned twice since, compared to me having just one parking fine and one speeding fine in over 20 years.
I passed first time. In nearly 40 years of driving round everything from New York and London to goat tracks I've had one ticket (for speeding) and had one minor accident (someone suddenly decided to reverse into me in a supermarket carpark without looking). I must be absolutely fantastic.
Oh Eddie51 why can't all instructors be like yours? It would mean a lot fewer dawdlers who think the national speed limit is 50 and sound their horns and flash their lights when you overtake them.
Yes, passed first time and think I am a careful driver, but I too are not so keen on night driving as I have got older. SpikeyBush - do you live in the midlands? We used to have a failure Taylor too!!
Passed my test first time way back in 1956. That was the time of the Suez crisis, so learners were given dispensation to drive without a driver companion! Can't imagine it now, it must be far more difficult to pass a test, so much more traffic, though the cars are probably better. I'd like to say I have never done a thing wrong since then, but I can't. Couple of accidents, couple of speeding tickets.
I haven`t read any answers so forgive me if I`m repeating but I do think that more than one attempt at the test could make for a better driver. I had my first lesson on my 17th birthday and there was a huge backlog for tests in those days (early 80s). My instructor put my name down for a test after my first lesson as he said the test wouldn`t come through for months. Unfortunately, I came through 3 weeks later. I took the test and failed. Same thing happened again after another 3 (once a week lessons). Failed a second time. Passed the third time. I love driving and am completely confident on horrible roads like the North Circular and M25. My sister passed first time and hardly ever drives now because she has no confidence.
Failed first time, drove onto a zebra crossing with someone on it (in my defence, it was the day before Christmas Eve and the town centre was heaving) passed quite soon after. Ok driver, terrible parker, don't do motorways.
I didn't get my own car till I was 22 and I was going out with my now husband who always drives. I don't like the getting on or off bit to be honest. Never went on the motorway as a kid (South Wales) and live miles from the motorway now (Hereford).