//Personally I think the remainers knew what was in store, but that many of those voting to leave have been badly disillusioned by what they thought they were voting for//
I understand the first, but not the second clause ("disillusioned" apart) of that sentence, Lankeela. I kind of take it to mean that Leavers, unlike Remainers, were incapable of weighing the obvious risks of leaving the EU against its obviously speculative benefits.
If I've got that right how do explain the clarity of thought you ascribe to most Remainers on the one hand, and the mental confusion of "most" Leavers on the other?
Is this, do you think, because the Lankeela Remainers are on the whole brighter than the Leavers on the whole? And/or have keener powers of judgment? And/or are less prone to persuasion by populist demagogues?
I've suggested some of the more obvious explanations. There are are quite a few more, by the way.