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Should Boris resign?

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AB Editor | 11:05 Thu 13th Jan 2022 | Politics
296 Answers

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  • Yes - 102 votes
  • 47%
  • No - 81 votes
  • 37%
  • Who cares? - 20 votes
  • 9%
  • This doesn't apply to me - 8 votes
  • 4%
  • Who's Boris? - 6 votes
  • 3%

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Miserable Curmudgeons 5 Boris Fangirls 2
Lol !
I think the amount of answers on this thread alone prove what a divisive and controversial figure Boris is
Almost as much as a previous Tory prime minister
But at least she had a bit of gumption and gravitas about her
//But at least she had a bit of gumption and gravitas about her//

What? The hunchback of notre downing street. Waste of space.
she only stayed as long as she did to beat useless Brown.
//But at least she had a bit of gumption and gravitas about her//

What? The hunchback of notre downing street. Waste of space
Oh please !
I was referring to the only other female prime minister
Certainly not Teresa Maybe !
Thatcher would not have allowed Boris anywhere near a letter opener let alone cabinet
// His agenda is all about bringing down Boris (in my opinion), and has very little to do with what is for the good of the country.//

yikes - so going jigga-jig at No 10 whilst The Queen wept alone over her husbands body was for the good of the country

as TTT says - yup - righto!

thanks to parsley et al for that one

who was it ( white honky or what) who said - if your eye offend you ,pluck it out ( not scratch someone else's eyes out) - in this case, if you dont like reading a thread, don't read it ! Jesus

I am on my own on that one again I suppose
yeah foo Thatcher ( mossis thotcher that is according to John Cole) would have locked Boris in her son's car and shouted
drive to rio, damn you!

and that boys and gurlz is how they ended up in Dakar!

[makes as much sense as any other post on this thread]
All now depends on Sue Gray’s report.

If it is critical of Johnson (or his officials) there may be enough letters for a Vote of No Confidence. If that happens, he should resign immediately and avoid the vote.
I think he would easily win a VONC, but would be fatally weakened as Thatcher and May were when they won a leadership challenge and VONC.

Let the circus continue and Coco lie himself deeper into a corner before Cummings eviscerates him

The 1922 committee may decide that he cannot drag the party nor the office of PM through the mud any further though
How on earth did his party advance someone like that to that position? Does the Johnson family have dirt on the entire Tory party? Should they really have dealing with gutter-snipes? They are all tainted by association. Ask Prince Andrew how that will go for tory mps. All my delusions about integrity and respectability in the tory party are shattered. Angela Rayner was absolutely right. They are scum. They are still defending that porcine little oik.
I think the answer to that may be that there was an almost subliminal acceptance that you needed a dishonest broker to get things such as a Brexit deal over the line.
Sadly, it's exactly what you don't want for just about anything else that comes after that. ..
Poll ought to be closed off now and a new one started

A lot has happened to Big Dog since it was initiated

I would wager vastly different results this week !
Erm.. is there something I've missed? Could someone recap?
ichkeria 'I think the answer to that may be that there was an almost subliminal acceptance that you needed a dishonest broker to get things such as a Brexit deal over the line.'

Oh my gosh, do I detect a slight hint here that there was a 'dishonest broker' (who shall remain nameless, for I shall not speak said person's name ever on a public forum, even one as insignificant as this.. for that person is a STUPID person who should not be mentioned, lest they ever end up promoted (or voted) to a position of power or influence, or both.. oops oh dear too late!) - involved in a totally honest deal 'onest guv' you can trust me'.. for t'was to secure our country's seemingly predictable and inevitable accelerating spiral into decline and global insignificance, given that we are now experiencing the undeniable evidence of the consequences of the outcome.. of 'the vote for freedom'.

ichkeria 'Sadly, it's exactly what you don't want for just about anything else that comes after that. .. '

What you don't want for absolutely anything before, or anything after.. EVER!!

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