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Food Delivery Websites

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noisynose | 17:39 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | Food & Drink
31 Answers

I want to have food delivered by such as-Uber Eat-Deliveroo-Just Eat

Many don't deliver here yet 

Without going through all their websites,is there an easy way to check who DOES deliver to me?

Hungry Pensioner 

Gordon aged 77 and famished!




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Most meals on wheels these days are frozen ready meals delivered once a week.Gordon fancied a  take away delivered to his door, hot and ready to eat like many people do.
22:19 Sat 29th Jun 2024

Do any of your neighbours have food delivered? It's so easy to do - I have Tesco and they have been great. Just have a look on their sites - it doesn't take long.

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Thanks for your help 

I really want hot food does Tesco do this

I have a Tesco account but have maybe not looking in the right place?


No, Tesco don't deliver take away food

Try a Google search.  Do you know what type of food you want?

Chinese deliveries and give your postcode



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Thanks Barry at least that rules out Tesco

I don't want a specific cuisine just who and what delivers

I will ask some of my neighbours in this 55 flats building,but it might not be as easy as doing it online 

I shall perserve 


If you put in your postcode it will show who delivers near to you

I sometimes use Ubereats.  The good thing about it is that you can add a tip when you make your order.

I would have thought the establishment you intend ordering from would advise.

If you are now  living where you once mentioned try Cook Battle they deliver home made frozen meals

Also Sheris Cafe on Harbour Road has good reviews. I have not used either but just googled food delivery and then the town name

It also looks like Jempsons does home delivery of their Cook frozen meals. The ones I have had were all delicious

I've also had the cook frozen meals and can recommend them. 

Do  Just Eat deliver different cuisines?

Just Eat deliver from local restaurants/takeaways so there is a wide choice of cuisine depending where you live

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Thanks for all your suggestions

I don't think I made myself clear

What I really wanted was a hot delivery(no cooking) service 

I already have a freezer full of "Cook" meals,they are great 

5 minutes in the microwave straight from the freezer 

But thank for jogging my brain

Now I am going to pop a "Cook"in the microwave as this has made me hungry!


This might help Cookmere meals. 013234274

Did you pop your postcode in to the Just Eat link further up?

Do you have a local meals on wheels service?

Deliveroo are very good.

Most meals on wheels these days are frozen ready meals delivered once a week.

Gordon fancied a  take away delivered to his door, hot and ready to eat like many people do.

Well, we don't  know where  he is so can't look for local delivery options.

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