Voting against it....there's only 2 countries in the world using it.
1. Fiji - and they are withdrawing it
2, Australia - and here they have had to pass laws to (i) make it compulsory to vote and (ii) that you must fill in a full ranking, i.,e. 8 candidates then rank 1 through 8.
and there are all sorts of inter-party deals being struck that counter it.
It is an unfair vote where a minority vote has undue influence on recounts, and it isn;t just one recount, it is each time a recount is needed as the last place is shaved off, until 50.1% is reached.
What I would like to see is:
(i) reduce the number of constituencies to say 350 and first past the post for those we have more MPs than the House of Congress does re congressmen and women for a population of over 300 mln).
(ii) then have proportional representation lists for say 150 seats to help balance the electorate vote.
This would cut the number of MPs by over 150 folk and save some considerable money.....(at least $10 mln plus all the other expenses and salaries). Indeed they could up the pay-packets of the remaining so to try and avoid us paying peanuts and getting monkeys running our Government.