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A Polite Reminder...

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AB Editor | 15:54 Wed 01st Jun 2011 | News
86 Answers
Hello everyone,

The news section is always fraught with fierce debate and personal opinion. I try my best to let threads run their course so that people can debate like reasonable adults.

The anonymous nature of the internet tends to bring out the worst in people, but I believe that the majority of AnswerBank users are above that.

Please don't abuse my trust in letting a thread run its course by turning it into a slanging match, otherwise we'll have to be much harsher in our judgements when it comes to post removals and suspensions.




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I am even more confused now!

Can someone tell me what's going on - I seem to have missed something somwhere ...
Thanks Jack (where's your elf?)
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BOO - some can say more than others. Some get away with more than others.

I'm not singling anyone out. Just my opinion.
well, of course the first rule of The Clique is you don't talk about The Clique, but they're kind of like the Illuminati

Have you not cliqued what's going on?
ooh jno...............I always fancied masterminding a New World Order :-)
I meant burn,'ll combust far too quickly; being fairly well.. erm.....marinaded in Juniper-berry juice.....LoL

Anyway, that Illuminati nonsense is so last year.............

Personally, I'm leaning more towards the Cathars/Rosicrucians...
oh purrrlease, so last week.

these days its only the hollow chocolate bunnies of the apocalypse that have any esoterical merit to the upper clique.
FO Gromit for that remark! (Lol)
Pah !
Hollow chocolate Bunnies.....?!?
Heretic.......they have no souls............!!!
I'm a believer in the Fondant Centre Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocolypse......

Splitter !
How about a dedictaed slanging off section ?
B00....My apologies if you feel that I have offended you. I would have thought that you know me to be a very timid person who could not compete with the constant caustic chatterbank comments.!! In fact I am afraid to say boo to my own shadow.:-)

As regards the comments of others in this thread, I have in the past expressed opinions that some folk are treated differently to others and have been rebuked by the Ed for such comments. So I'll say nothing further (for the moment) and submit this with a mouse clique.

I am a good boy.
^^^ That's eminently debatable.
Thank you for intervening Ed, perhaps you should look at the real culprits on AB, who systematically resort to abuse and insults at me personally, no matter what I post on.

I was accused recently of being insulting to a certain gay female on this site for calling her Madam, this is a person who is forever attacking me, but this is not taken into account when certain other ABers ask for an apology from me.

Below is a typical post aimed at me, being an elderly person, which obviously I cannot help, but I find it most sarcastically insulting, not only to myself but to other elderly persons also.

If I was to post a similar offensive post aimed at say a female homosexual I would have been banned.

/// Lay off Old Git.///

//// Perhaps we should reflect on the fact that the current financial situation means that social services are having their budgets reduced for Home Helps, Geriatric Support and Drop In Centres. Residential Care Homes are facing financial crises.///

By providing just one elderly person with hours of amusement writing funny things and getting all confused in an amusing manner is perfectly harmless and a public service AnswerBank can be proud of. It's probably some people's only interest in life and the only 'fun' activity they can still manage.///

/// At least when these little people are tapping away at their computer asking their funny 'wind up' questions and trying to explain their peculiar old ideas they are not causing queues in the Post Office or filling up the doctors' waiting rooms. So carry on Old Git. You're in the best place. ///
That's not insulting.
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I wonder if it is just the anonymity that brings out the worst in some posters or if they are like it IRL.. funny thing is no one would recognise me from what I post on here as I am nothing Like Rowanwitch in real life... much nicer on AB how odd is that...
"A certain gay female"...............does he mean me, I'm usually quite happy.

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