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anotheoldgit | 10:26 Sun 10th Jul 2011 | News
73 Answers

No relax, I am not going anywhere, I am just enquiring if you popped along to your newsagent and pick up your last copy of a 'British icon'?


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/// I'd be more upset if it was you leaving. ///, Thank you.


/// ps....glad ur not going anywhere x ///

And thank you also.
micmak ...

I'm sure other papers will have hacked into people's phones, etc.

But not The Guardian !

<<<<< I feel deeply sorry for the families of the people that have had their phones hacked, despicable journalism of gutter level proportions>>>

Does the end justify the means? Do people REALLY care how the stories are obtained?
Sqad: yes, they do - that's why the paper's closed.
squad, in certain circumstances, yes they do
jno.....mmmm! I idea why the paper has closed is to amputate to save the News INT/Bskyb merger.....!!
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/// AOG, I am very pleased you are not going anywhere too :-) ///

Not forgetting you also Bobbisox, thank you.
re The Sunday Sun, and have already been registered for future use.
AOG forgot to say, I dont always agree with you but I would have missed your posts
that as well, Sqad - but it wouldn't have been necessary if people hadn't been oturaged and if advertisers hadn't responded to that outrage by withdrawing their custom.

It wasn't so much the bugging of celebrities as the deletion of Milly Dowler's voicemails that made the difference here.
Of course that's the real reason for the newspaper's closure.
NI have sacrificed NOTW in order to safeguard the BskyB realised that it had a tainted product on its hands which would have been reviled by large sections of the great British television-watching public and so to save the patient the affected/infected limb was removed.

KRM can now answer that as a reputable businessman he took the firm action that was necessary to deal with this shocking and reprehensible outbreak of gutter now could he have his TV station, thankyouverymuch?
sqad, this particular hacking has been very distasteful, we are not talking about footballers sh*****g anything that stands still, this is about dead soldiers, murdered kids, payments to bent policeman to obtain such heartbreaking details for their families, so I would say it does matter where they get their stories from

Now, do you remember the national furore over the MPs expenses scandal....disgusting, sack em went on for months.

Now hardly anyone talks about it....something else has taken it's place and can you name just one of the MP's that went to jail?
Jim Devine.
You'd be hard-pressed to find a copy of The Sun on sale in Liverpool.
The readers voted with their consciences and their wallets after the disgraceful Hillsborough reporting.........
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/// AOG forgot to say, I dont always agree with you but I would have missed your posts ///

Thank you.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, in fact I would be disappointed if they did, wouldn't it be a boring site if everyone agreed with everyone else.

All I ask for is for opponents to show a certain amount of decorum in their opposition, there is no need whatsoever for unpleasantness, in what is after all only a recreational pursuit.
Elliot Morley, sqad :-)
is this a quiz?
Lots of people will be buying it - not necessarily to read it but to keep it in mint condition for later selling on eBay to collectors of old editions of comics and newspapers at a vastly inflated price.
AOG, I always enjoy your threads and probably don't agree with a lot of them but that is what makes a good debate, don't stop !
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