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anotheoldgit | 10:26 Sun 10th Jul 2011 | News
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No relax, I am not going anywhere, I am just enquiring if you popped along to your newsagent and pick up your last copy of a 'British icon'?


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Bobbi....good girl.......did you Google it? ;-)
Lots of the other papers and magazines will be running for cover, hiding their hacking machines and hurriedly covering their backs by sacking anyone who is even slightly involved in nefarious enterprises.
starbuck ...

Given that they claim to be the UK's biggest selling newspaper, and they will sell even more today, anyone who wants to sell a copy at a profit will have to wait a long time before it achieves any rarity value.

I can just see it on eBay ...

"buy news of the world last edition"


"Your search matched 8,000,000 entries"

@Sqad - Lets see shall we? Jim Devine, Elliot Morley, David Chaytor, Lord Taylor of Warwick, and a few others still under investigation. What I understand from your post is that you think that the public over reacted, and the whole affair was a storm in a teacup?That it was unimportant in the overall scheme of things? C'est La Vie? Would that be right? and are you essentially saying the same thing now over the NotW phone hacking issue?

If so, I think you are wrong.In the case of the MP expenses scandal, State elected officials ripping off the public purse and feathering their own pockets is corruption and abuse of power and is rightly something to get upset and indignant about. We should hold public officials to a very high standard. And the system has been changed - we now have a much more transparent, much more accountable, and much more controlled expenses system, and rightly so.

And the same applies here. The public are right to be shocked and angry at the worst excesses of gutter journalism. It would be nice if they recognised the gratuitous prurience of their own desire for gossip and titillation also, but it does not detract from the fact that NI / NotW were systematically, amorally, arrogantly and illegally invading peoples privacy in persuit of stories that the public might be interested in but were rarely in the public interest.

So they appear to have routinely broke the law. They routinely, it appears, corrupted the police. And what the episode illustrates is that through their assumed power and hold they had on the public, they were able to intimidate and scare what appears to be successive houses of largely spineless MPs. Not a healthy situation.
Sometimes, distateful as it might appear to an onlooker, public disgust and anger is necessary.
Agreed, jj, but some people hoard things for ever. My brother for instance was clearing his loft and found copies of old American style comics left over from his children, now grown up and with children of their own. He sold them on eBay at a vastly inflated price and was asked if he had any more.
cheeky bugger :-)
I ain't fick y'know...
I try to keep abreast of current affairs..ha-ha
AOG am pleased you have the balls to hilite injustices most of us dont dare to - power to AOG !
LazyGun, I don't think Sqad denying not wrong, he's just saying that people forget and life goes on; the public despised MPs already, they still do so, but they aren't in the news any more. They're angry at newspaper phone hacking, they still will be, but it won't be news any more and they will go on buying papers.

Apologies to Sqad if I've misread his mind.
*denying "it's" wrong*
I haven't ever bought the NotW thought I occassionally leaf through the copy in the pub. I gather it was a good paper in the 60's but it has turned into complete rubbish.

I will not be buying a copy today.
Starbuckone, my guess is that those comics came from before the era when they were specially printed with an eye to the collectibles market. In other words, most people wouldn't have kept them.

But if they buy something like the NoW, which virtually has a sticker on it saying "last edition, save this one!" then there will be a lot more around and the price will be low.
Lazygun....LOL....blimey certainly got that off your chest.

You scored well on the quiz.

<<<< What I understand from your post is that you think that the public over reacted, >>>>

Depends upon how one defines "over reacted".There is always an opinion which tends to be immediate and then delayed.
In this case the initial reaction is understandable and i indeed share that indignation. The question one has to ask oneself is, is their indignation publicly the same as in private, or in other words, it is indeed disgusting, but they got their i mentioned in the thread above.....does the means justify the end. I do not know the answer to that question, but I have my suspicions.

Now the delayed effect............some will never forget, others will have distorted facts in their own minds and some will only have vahue memories......the healing process.

In business, one gives the recipient what they want......not what they need......the NOTW has always been known as the "gutter press" and yet it hads out sold every other English speaking newspaper in the world.....why? because it gives what the majority of people want to read ... sleaze and outrages claims however distorted and gleaned by whatever method.

Just my assessment of human frailty over a lifetime.
@Sqad - I may have misunderstood your post a tad :) Sorry.

I just think that being dismissive of the seriousness of what these journos were doing, and earlier what the MPs were doing, with a kind of "C'est La Vie, these things happen, why get upset at it" attitude is one of the reasons these things continually crop up :)

I would like to see a much more engaged and less apathetic general public when it comes to politics in particular :)
"Now the delayed effect............some will never forget"

sqad, I imagine Milly Dowler's parents and the families of Hollie and Jessica will be among them ? problem, jno summed it up better and more precisely than did my post.

<<<<I would like to see a much more engaged and less apathetic general public when it comes to politics in particular :)>>>

I shouldn't hold your breath;-)
Have never in my 64 years read The News of the World so no will not be going to buy it. you mean that you couldn't read at birth.
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No I didn't buy a copy and never have, but I've just flicked though the online version out of curiosity.

What a waste of time - thats 10 minutes of my life I can't get back.

Sorry that people have lost their jobs but lets not forget what complete trash they produced.

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