"This news goes to highlight the fact, that it would appear that some ABers do not represent the majority of the nation's feelings on the subject."
and amen to that!
But no-one has suggested that the AB is representative of the population.
To be an AB'er, by definition you have to have access to a computer with a web connection, be signed up to the AB, be bothered to post on a thread about homosexuality.
How on earth is that 'representative' of anything or anyone?
Which is fine - as long as you equally accept that to be part of the 'Majority Against Homosexual Marriages', you have to have been polled, have given an honest answer, and care enough to give a flying fluff either way.
And that's not 'representative' either.
Next week, a poll concludes that most people believe the earth is flat ... but that doesn;t make it so does it?