"although you have tried to belittle me by assuming that i have a simplistic view on democracy"
It's not an assumption, it's a fact. You think that democracy = majority rules. This is clearly not the case for the reasons I've laid out.
"you can have a majority rule without it being 'mob rule as you state, otherwise every election would be classed as mob rule. "
For one thing, elections are typically swung by large minorities (of the population as a whole rather than registered voters), but I accept that's a slightly fatuous point. But the whole infrastructure elections entail is much much more complicated than 'majority rules', surely? That might be the ultimate conclusion/outcome, but there's a vast infrastructure there specifically designed to protect minorities and make them feel safe about voting in the knowledge that no matter what the majority decides, they will not suffer undeserved persecution* - you couldn't have a fair election, or I'd put it a healthy democratic system, without such measures. I'd argue it's fundamental to modern-day democracy.
"By once again you could not help yourself by reverting to insults"
Sorry, it just really riled me, that's all. You said that the mid C20 was unequivocally better than today and that you didn't care what 'the history books' say. I'm glad you recognise you can only speak for yourself, but I'm afraid I still contend that to see that as some kind of comprehensively authoritative view of the time you refer to is arrogance. I can't think of any other word that describes it accurately. It actively places your own perception of the time above any and all evidence to the contrary - you said so yourself that you didn't care about 'the history books'.
It would be monumentally arrogant of me, for instance, to assume that on the basis of my lifestyle and experience (that of a middle-class 21-year old in East Anglia), that today is a far better time to live than the 1950s. Or to say so about pretty much any problem or issue. That's why I don't just throw in the towel when I hit that problem - I look for evidence further afield, which has to become secondary by its nature, but the ultimate judgement I can make will ultimately be better for it.
*Every society persecutes minorities, note. I have in mind murderers, the dangerously insane, kleptomaniacs/pyromaniacs and such. My point is simply that minorities must feel safe and willing to trust the majority in the knowledge that they will not be persecuted without good reason. I'd argue you can't have a truly democratic system without this.