"...and the majority of the AB posters who were interested in getting involved in the debate couldn't care less what the survey said - they still believe that bigoted and narrow-minded views are out of step in a caring democracy."
Just wanted to be sure that the quote you took from my post was seen in context.
You reply with -
"I refer of course to Andy Hughes /// they still believe that bigoted and narrow-minded views are out of step in a caring democracy.///
How dare he use the word DEMOCRACY when he classes anyone with a different viewpoint as being a 'narrow minded bigot'. Surely belonging to a democracy entitles a person to have an individual view if they so wish?"
Ok - first of all, i wonder why you are singling me out, and referring 'of course' to me, as though i am the only person who takes issues with your position? OK, I can take that, I am old enough to stand my ground.
Which brings me to your other rather confrontational section -
"How dare he use the word DEMOCRACY when he classes anyone with a different viewpoint as being a 'narrow minded bigot'. Surely belonging to a democracy entitles a person to have an individual view if they so wish?"
Well I 'dare' because I am old enough to express my opinions under our laws of free speech, and I dare because it's my right - and how 'dare' you take that high-handed tone with me?
I do not class anyone with a different view as a narrow-minded bigot, and you have no evidence to support that statement at all. My time of posting on here shows that i will debate vigourously, and i hope fairly with anyone, and to suggest that I insult people en masse who disagree with me is simply not true.
Belonging to a democracy does entitle everyone - including me - to an individual point of view, so don't take the pompous high ground with me when I do so. The rule applies to me, to you, and to everyone - except I never take issue with your right to express your thoughts and feeling, whereas you fight that argument on several fronts on virtually a daily basis.
We can agree to disagree - but i will not be singled out for your approbation because you feel your view is under attack.
the majority of people who have posted on this thread have argued with you - as they usually do when this issue is raised, which by you it frequently is. If you do not wish to defend your view in a reasnable and adult manner, then refrain from starting threads like this, if you are not going to accept the differeing opinions it will generate - and let's not forget, that is part of the raison d'etre of this site.
We all have our views - if we choose to debate them, then wonderful bring it on - but don't start getting snotty with one individual who opposes your viewpoint - and accuse me of an attitude I patently do not possess.
I trust you will reign in your personl vitriol, and return to the debate as an exchange of views, not personal attacks.