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Margaret Thatcher Dies Of A Stroke. R.i.p

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anotheoldgit | 13:12 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | News
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well that rules you out then.
So they should fly the Union Jack at half mast for her......
that is the point, they have.
Use the Thatch legacy in the next few days to flush out the left-wingers, round them up, export them to the Falklands, bring back the UK citizens there, (who at least have respect) and then give the penguin guano-laden rocks back to the Argies.
sp - it was not the voters who got rid of Thatcher. It was her own Tory ministers who decided she had to go.
no, because the lads who were left there must not have died in vain. The people of the Falklands, if they want to stay British, and they had a vote on it, to be under British rule.
Georgia then, em?
DTC, at risk of going off topic, I didn't lose Mates out there to see that happen!
she served three terms in office, and yes it was, like all leaders they don't necessarily know when to get off the stage. If you watched as i did, as she left Downing Street for the last time, you couldn't help but be upset, i know i was, for her, and for the country. she was a great PM, and leaves the pygmies that are currently not running things, for dead.
(am taking the pizz - Baldric....Georgia would work though; current population 30).
how many sheep?
As a lifelong leftie, I admired the Iron Lady for her belief in what she was doing, even though I think she was totally wrong on so much. But she had integrity, served her country as best she could as she thought best. A truly remarkable woman.
no sheep, em. plenty of reindeer (being culled) and rats (also being culled). So most apropos for our exports.

Lots of fish - and stamps - total economy £4 mln. (not bad on 30 people inc. the Government wallahs - so no need for benefits and, probably, plenty of welfare stamps to be handed out.

I would strongly argue that it was indeed the voters who turned on Thatcher's policies in the evening of her premiership.

I remember quite clearly that every poll taken in the early 90s showed that Thatcher was the Conservative's weakest point. We had gone through a decade of authoritarian leadership, and what Thatcher failed to realise is that she had conquered all her foes.

Her biggest mistake, and it's the one that brought her down, was her own self belief. You need this when you are tackling the unions, and the belief in government by consensus - but when you have defeated your foes...the one thing you should not do, is believe i your divinity.

When someone has been successful for a long time, they stop listening. This is what happened to Baroness Thatcher.

And this is why Madonna now releases crap albums. It's because there's no-one to say, "No!".
By the way, something that I think we all miss, whatever our political persuasion - is the politics of 'belief'.

In the 80s, no matter what you thought of Thatcher, Benn, Foot and Tebbit - you absolutely knew that they had unshakable political principles, which stood firmly to the left or right.

In the race to the 'centre ground', we now seem to have 'Tetris politics', where everyone seems to be fitting in with whatever the public wants.
Well said SPQ whatever.
sp - I am sure you will always argue the point. However, may I suggest tou watch the current BBC News. It clearly shows a clip as she leaves Number 10 for the final time, and states that it was her Cabinet which brought her downfall. That is the official stance - unless you know differently.
What a fair post that is Theland, your 18.36 one I mean!
She was a mother, grandmother, politician, not everyone agreed with her views, policies, no different today, she said and done want she meant, was a strong woman and didn't faff about like the weak politicians today. People show should show more respect for the dead.
Like this, Cariebeing?

An anti-tribute features in popular musical Billy Elliot, set during the 1980s mining strike. The song contains the words 'Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher, we all celebrate today 'cos it's one day closer to your death'.

The musical is currently running in London.

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