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Margaret Thatcher Dies Of A Stroke. R.i.p

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anotheoldgit | 13:12 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | News
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Krom, if that is the case, it's a pity our labour led council has decided to close many of our public libraries, shows you don't have to a battle hardened old Tory to shut down a public and much needed service. Now volunteers run some, not sure about the rest. As to some who weren't even born when she came to power, she had the courage of her convictions, and i am absolutely convinced that had she been a man, wouldn't have come in for such vitriolic comments, and not just today.
"basing my political opinions on data that was spoon fed to me by partisan relatives"

Do you think I've been raised as a 'Thatcher hater'? If so, you are wrong... again.

I've just woke up and seen this. How sad. I'll cheer myself up with a Maggie quote: "I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end"

sounds like me, x
sharingan "from what I gather she did a huge degree of harm to the country and it's inhabitants" - where did you gather? The medicine was harsh, but the patient would have died without it.
Another quote, "politics is too important to be left to someone else"
The best member of her team was Geoffrey Howe, he put the writing on the wall
Another Thatcher good'un:
£Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't"
she stood firm against the bully boy unions, and then the Falklands conflict, not to mention being the first and only woman PM, so i say this, we shall not see her like again. The IRA came pretty close to killing her and almost half her cabinet, some seem to forget that, or don't know it.
Danger UXD- I've studied the period and I have heard anecdotal information from both my family and associates as well as documentary programmes and books etc. I don't feel personally she would ever have been anyone I would have voted for, but I can see some merit in her with the idea that anyone could buy their own homes, encouraging small business etc. Not sure that isn't totally eclipsed by the miner's strike and the shipyards debarcle though. xx

you keep repeating this 'medicine' and 'patient' cliché

was that part of your brainwashing? You seem irrationally fixated on it

Re Mrs T - I was a Conservative Party member during her tenure (and JM's) and canvassed for the local party: she was very much of her time and influenced the subsequent development of both the Labour Party and the Conservatives - whether for the good is another debate

She was a 'Great' Leader
as such she will be both loved and hated because she actually believed in principles and 'did things'
Here's another one "We have become a grandmother"
Love her or hate her, she was well respected. May she rest in peace.
zeuhl, which is more than one can say about most who have come after.
Yes Zeuhl, because I don;t think many of the manufactured Thatcher haters have any idea of what the country was like in the lead up to when she came to power. I use that analogy because it is apt.
Danger, to be fair, I doubt that all Thatcher haters are manufactured.
Careful danger

someone might point out that some medicines do almost as much damage to the patient as the disease they are intended to combat

or leave the patient mortally damaged or disabled

etc etc
Indeed 2sp

I don't think the mining, steel making or manufacturing communities needed any of dangers 'red menace' teachers to brainwash them

I could recommend some pubs in Yorkshire where danger could try out that 'you've been brainwashed by leftie teachers' line and we could see what kind of thumpin' he gets

badboy //The best member of her team was Geoffrey Howe, he put the writing on the wall //
He did that all right ,he was pro Europe when Maggie was sticking up for this country.
So you believe we should be a part of of the discredited EU currency !
That's why he resigned because Maggie said we never would.
No of course they are not all manufactured but there are a lot of them. Not even born in 1979, some where not even born in 1990 when she left office but they still hate her. They have no idea what the country was like being systematically run down by out of control unions and wet politicians of both sides. They don't remember being the sick man of Europe etc.

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