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Margaret Thatcher Dies Of A Stroke. R.i.p

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anotheoldgit | 13:12 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | News
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I too lived through the Thatcher years and was made redundant twice! I still found the grace and humility to refrain from making a negative comment.
Perhaps we could have two threads - one with anti and one with pro feelings
I know which I would go on
Totally agree with andy-hughes
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No matter how bad some of the things that took place under her premiership might have been, she or nobody else deserves to be wished dead.

Regardless of one's personal political views, we are talking about a British politician here not some past dictator or other evil despot.
So DG when will it be a suitable time?
ric.ror - miners on the left - bankers on the right?
AOG --- People aren't wishing her dead, it appears that she already is.
Some people, myself included, are not willing to be hypocritical and express sorrow over her passing.
You don't have to express anything crisgel. Just stay respectfully silent. Just got a while.
Perhaps,when "the dust has settled" if that is your wish.A little decorum
would have been nice,when someone dies,irrespective of who it may be.
RIP Maggie.
RIP. she was a gutsy lady and knew how to speak her mind
RIP indeed.
Few of us here in the U.S., will ever forget Lady Thatcher's cogent advice to President George H.W. Bush (the elder one) on the lead-up to the Iraq invasion... In her memoirs, she reflects that on the evening of August 26, 1990, during a phone call with President Bush she stated "...We were now probably going into a longish period to see whether sanctions would work and we must not let the faint hearts grow in strength. The President was worried also about the use of the port of Aqaba in Jordan to evade sanctions and I told him that I would raise the question when I saw King Hussein in a few days' time..." she then offered her famous advice to the President: [i]"This is no time to go wobbly, George"[i]...

Sadly missed by many here in the U.S.

I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy': Martin Luther King.

One hopes that political persuasion can be left out of this. Unfortunately, when Nelson Mandela was recently taken ill, a number of right wing trolls on the Daily Mail website took the opportunity to paint him as a blood thirsty terrorist.

Some people huh?
-- answer removed --
Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, one cannot deny the effect she had on British politics, not least of which being the first female PM.

She was uncompromising and had a trenchant turn of phrase.And despite disagreeing with her policies and the implementation of those policies,it is sad to see one less conviction politician out there...
I'm with Andy Hughes - up to a point.

I don't actually feel anything one way or another. I don't celebrate her death, nor do I mourn her. There were a couple of policies her Government presided over which I personally found abhorrent, but it's just so long ago now that...I've kinda gotten over it.
By the way - if any of her admirers feel that she's getting a raw deal from 'the left' on AB...I urge you to avoid Twitter, and especially Trafalgar Square this Friday.

Recipe for blood-boiling.
Actually - one thing I can say about her is that she managed to climb to the top in a male-dominated world and opened the door for woman in so many traditionally male environments, in politics and the world of industry, finance etc.

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