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Margaret Thatcher Dies Of A Stroke. R.i.p

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anotheoldgit | 13:12 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | News
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I wouldn't say I 'suffered' under her...I was at school for half of her premiership, but there were a couple of policies championed by her government which identified me as an 'undesirable'.

Still...water under the bridge. The Conservatives have changed sufficiently for that to be moot now.
I didn't agree with her policies,except for her stance on the Falklands . I remember lots of people going to the wall in negative equity on her watch while the yuppies in the city were lighting their big fat cigars with ten pound notes .
However I would never wish anyone ill and don't see the need for name calling.
I hope she rests in peace.
Doesn't say much for the Left's opinion of the electorate, does it, that Margaret Thatcher was elected three times ? And all that when, according to them, she was doing more damage to the people, and the country, as one poster on AB, 10ClarionSt put it, than Adolf Hitler did! What fools we all were, or just possibly, not ! I rather think not, on balance.
she surrounded herself by weak willed men. interestingly she rarely talked about her mother, but did her father, as the first female prime minister, my feeling has always been one of great disappointment her.
The left hate democracy fred.
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George Galloway 'Respect' MP for Bradford West, surely this odious person belongs to the wrong party.


So the remarks on Twitter are not all bad then?
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Anyone who George Galloway condems gets my support every time.
MadMen - is that really your opinion? Or Mark's?
Lol. I have no idea what Mark's opinion is of old Maggie.

My opinion of Ms Thatcher is staring right at me.... in the form of a party pack.
How old are you madmen?
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What a strange question...

Mark has made his feeling about Maggie quite clear on here numerous times. Don't be so easily influenced.
So the remarks on Twitter are not all bad then?


Twitter isn't the exclusive domain of anyone.

However, it is a useful tool to gauge the direction of public opinion.
It's not a strange question.

If I remember correctly you're in your early 30's.
So no one under the age of 30 can have a political opinion of someone?

Of course you can.

Are you really that into politics though?

An old lady has died. There is nothing to rejoice about.
I wouldn't wish anybody dead but I'm afraid I'm not all that sorry. There won't be many tears shed for her in the old mining areas.
Could we all please remember that Margaret Thatcher was somebody's mother and grandmother.

If you can't find it in you to be civil about her, then a bit of respect for her loved ones wouldn't go amiss...

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