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Margaret Thatcher Dies Of A Stroke. R.i.p

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anotheoldgit | 13:12 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | News
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SP, what's happening in Trafalgar Square on Friday?
I am always sad when somebody dies, and this is no exception.

Mrs Thatcher was not my cup of tea, and neither did I like her policies. But she was democratically elected and I accepted her as my PM.

Now reunited with Denis, RIP Mrs T.
Facebook is buzzing with it too. Personally I dont know anyone from a mining community who may have a pickaxe to grind. It would appear that they have support by proxy from a load of middle-class lefties who were afforded education and work options in time of the Iron Lady herself...
missnemesis //So zac if you want to kiss her posthumous ass that's ok //

That says it all ! That mind set is one of the reasons she was re-elected as PM three times .
-- answer removed --
I can't say I agreed with her politics, but one thing no one can argue with is the fact that she had the courage of her convictions and stood up for what she believed in.

I can't help but wonder if she had been a man, would there be the same degree of hatred for her...?

May she rest in peace.

There's a Twitter campaign flying around trying to get a flash mob to celebrate her demise.

Tacky...really tacky.

I literally can't think of anyone (not Nick Griffin, Robert Mugabe or even Fred Phelps) who's death I would actively celebrate like that. It says more about those celebrating than those who have died.
Definately the best woman prime minister ever!

Seriously though - this now gives us the prospect of a state fulneral for a very contraversial figure

I'd be surprised if that went by without some degree of protest
sp, thanks. I agree with you. That's horrible.
Perhaps sp that's because you didn't personally suffer under them?

I can quite imagine the people of Zimbabwe celebrating Mugabe's demise.
Ah, what a shame.

I agree too, Sp. I'm avoiding FB for a while. It saddens me that nice people are posting such hideous things.
That really is disgusting, sp1814.

I do hope that her funeral doesn't turn into a circus.

Not all us "looney lefties" are so ill mannered enough to take joy in her passing.
Lets keep it civil please. If you'd like to be rude about Maggie I suggest you do it elsewhere for the next 24 hours at least.
Jake, it's one thing not to mourn someone's demise, but quite another to actively celebrate it. Ghoulish!
ummmm, I'm horrified by some of the comments I've seen on here (although Ed is doing a grand job removing them) and FB.

People I know that are normally kind, caring and compassionate have come out with some truly vitriolic statements.

What is wrong with people?
At last her and Denis are together...
I don't 'do' Facebook or Twitter. I had no idea what was being said - or planned!
Planks...I just looked. It's shocking.

She's being accused of being a racist for not liking the Irish.....

Errrr....I thought it was the terrorists that she had a problem with, not the whole nation.
Gerard McCarthy ‏@Gerard_McCarthy 1h

People who hate Thatcher because of her lack of compassion now take to twitter to gloat? Hmmm...better to shut up & keep your dignity folks.

(from twiiter)

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