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Mr George Galloway

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mikey4444 | 16:31 Mon 15th Apr 2013 | News
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I am far from being a fan of Mr George Galloway but you have to admit he certainly knows hos to make a point ! :::::


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On Big Brother he put on a leotard.
Then he got on all fours.
Then he pretended to be a cat.
He acted as if he had whiskers.
He meowed and flickered his eyes.
He then pretended to drink milk from Rula Lenska's cupped hands.

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Doctordb..........I would agree, not his finest hour, but have you seen him when he gave evidence to the US Congress ?

There are too many on youtube to choose from but I'm not sure that the Congress knew what hit them !
Who is your friend Maggie?


mikey he ripped congress to shreds, undoubtedly he is a superb speaker and debater, although, i'm not always sure he believes in every argument he puts forward. Sometimes I feel he just likes to be argumentative for the sake of it and for his own publicity.
He has had some truly cringeworthy moments, as in his appearance on Big Brother, and some sickening ones, as in his fawning address to Saddam, and his actions and behaviour can be pretty odious -walking out on a debate when it was with someone from Israel, or the in-fighting and misogyny behind the scenes at Respect - but he has a great rhetorical command of the language.

His dismantling of the accusations against by the US House Committee over the oil embargos and this latest example demonstrate that,,
His fawning to Saddam didn't come close to Tony Benn's sycophantic love-in. At one stage I thought he was going to kiss the dictator.
Maybe - but, if Blair was fawning toward Hussein at one point ( along with most of the Western powers that be at the time) He certainly made up for it later didn't he?
LG - Benn not Blair. ;)
@ doctor oops:) Really must employ my reading glasses more :)
As I've said in the past, I have never voted and thus have no political affiliation.
As I've also said, there was less furore, fuss and celebrating when Osama was killed.

At the end of the day, I'm just mindful of the fact that she's someone's mother and grandmother.

Respect Party? Don't make me laugh.....
Very well said George.
Chill - I hope you don't continue banging on in defence of this woman after Wednesday.
This coming from someone with such a dodgy past as to his dealings with Hussein and other tinpots, then being kicked out of the Labour Party. He is a joke, albeit a dangerous one, in a similar bracket to that dillock in North Korea.....
Hes a grade A1 rsole always has been always will be.
'banging on in defence'?

You must be confusing me with someone else, I've not even started a thread about her since her passing, unlike some!

Just wish some would let the vitriolic bile go, we're all living in a better Britain because of what she did, like it or not. She had good policies, some poor one's, but when has there ever been a perfect politician or Prime Minister?
She had the courage of her convictions, unlike (Mr Clegg and the fees fiasco) a large selection of today's MP's.
As others have also said, if she was so bad, why did a Labour government not reverse much of her doing? Because they knew it was more often than not the right thing for Britain, they just couldn't bring themselves to admit it.

Ring any bells?
But makes valid points very clearly and competently

which is more than can be said for people like bazwillrun who apparently are incapable of doing that so just resort to abuse
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Chilldoubt...a bit puzzled here...why have you never voted ? Don't you consider taking part in the democratic process important enough ?
Nothing wrong with factual abuse...and there has been plenty of shyte thrown in the Blessed Maggie's direction on here, zeuhl, so perhaps things are balancing up. IMO, this man is delusional.
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baz...why use the unpleasant language ? Can't you make your point without being offensive ?
Galloway is a fool who courts contraversy to keep in the public eye.
He should have been jailed for treason long ago.

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