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Mr George Galloway

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mikey4444 | 16:31 Mon 15th Apr 2013 | News
96 Answers
I am far from being a fan of Mr George Galloway but you have to admit he certainly knows hos to make a point ! :::::


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Through my democratic right, mikey.

As an ex Serviceman, right or wrong, this is my edict:

It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us freedom to protest.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.

Question Author
Chill...not sure what your poem has to do with anything but congratulations on posting something without poorly spelt and offensive words in it !

Well done...keep it up !
Eh? Whilst I'm hardly a Shakespeare I like to think that the vast majority of my posts are grammatically correct in their spelling and any expletives I use are always self asterisked. Or is your reply a sleight at someone else?

In regards my post, I'm simply pointing out that I have very little time for sycophantic politicians, many of whom I deem self-serving parasites, the odd one or two I have a grudging respect for.

I think mikey might have been having a go at bazwillrun - our resident knuckle-dragger
The man is an utter fool, he will do anything to promote himself, real cringeworthy stuff. He loves the sound of his own voice. Someone should tell him that Harold Wilson was the one who started closing down the mines, selling off our industries. I detest him and all he stands for. And he is fronting a party called Respect. What a joke.
steady on asky

GG referred to Harold Wilson quite legitimately and it had nothing to do with closing mines

the interviewer used Lady T's winning of 3 elections as a justification for the 'state' funeral
GG correctly pointed out that HW won 4 and didn't get a fancy send off

a good reply

and what exactly are the objective criteria for selecting which ex-PM gets this level of funeral in future because so far as I can see, Tony Bliar qualifies as much as Lady T unless someone can identify something
Yes, I agree with you AYG - and who saw in the 2nd Beeching Report and it's implementation/destruction of the railway've got it, one Harold Wilson, Baron of Rievaulx, KG, OBE, FRS, FSS, PC

The demise of the coal mines started really before WW2, the war keeping them going and through the 50s, Wilson starting the closure re economics and safety, the muddling through the 70s and the winter of discontent (thank you Arhur Scargill) and most of them were still uneconomic and a drain on all of our taxes
That man walked out of a university debate because one of the debaters was Israeli.

He refuses to debate with Israelis. Vile, vile man.
Gosh, he's been at the Grecian 2000 and sunbeds, hasn't he?
Question Author would seem that I have confused you with another AB regular, bazwillrun, so I apologise completely unreservedly. I am sorry if my comments have caused you pain.
Ok Zeul, the fact that Margaret Thatcher sent our soldiers to a legitimate war with Argentina may have something to do with it. She changed the face of politics, and as far as I recall there has been no-one since to make straightforward no nonsense policies and no u-turns. She served her country first and foremost, unlike Tony Blair who was in it for the kudos abroad and the money how much is his property portfolio worth now? The fact that Tony Blair entered into an illegal war from which the ripples have ever widened to Afghanistan causing a total mess from which we cannot claim any victory at all, only the loss of our soldiers. He will be up for rendering to chip fat when his time comes as far as I'm concerned.
"which is more than can be said for people like bazwillrun who apparently are incapable of doing that so just resort to abuse "

"our resident knuckle-dragger " oh dear, rearrange to make a well know phrase kettle , pot, called , black

People like Zeuhl would rather spend hours arguing technical points, instead of just getting to the point

"why use the unpleasant language ? Can't you make your point without being offensive ?

whos offended, whats unpleasant , i was stating a fact
Yes, indeed. A refreshing tone of independence amongst all this sycophancy
-- answer removed --
'Can't you make your point without being offensive ?'

Some people just cant, shame really.

all very well but i asked for /objective/ criteria for this level of funeral

i.e. the criteria not dependent on someone's opinion that a particular PM did a good or bad job

if it is based on someone's opinion that Lady T did a good job, who is that decision maker?
Do we have a name for who has that responsibility?
And did they consult with the other part of the populace who think Lady T did a bad job?
So Steve, you would have left Pinochet rot - when he had allowed Chilean military airports to be used to take 'distressed' RAF planes that wouldn't have made it back to the Ark Royal etc.

Yes, how patriotic is that on your part and a slur on our forces for the assistance that he provided.
nothing but a token muslim sympathiser , shame he doesnt ship out to a muslim country

1994, he married Dr Amineh Abu-Zayyad in a Muslim ceremony; a civil ceremony around 2000 followed his first divorce in 1999. His second wife was granted a "quicky" decree at the beginning of 2009, after an estrangement of several years, on the grounds of "unreasonable behaviour".

Galloway married his third wife, his Lebanese former researcher Rima Husseini, in a Muslim ceremony in 2007;[25] their first son was born in May 2007. A second son followed in December 2011. In

March 2012, Galloway married his fourth wife, Putri Gayatri Pertiwi, a consultant with a Dutch research firm[189] in an Islamic ceremony in Amsterdam.[190]
"'Can't you make your point without being offensive ?'

Some people just cant, shame really. "

you can only be offended if you want to

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