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Mr George Galloway

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mikey4444 | 16:31 Mon 15th Apr 2013 | News
96 Answers
I am far from being a fan of Mr George Galloway but you have to admit he certainly knows hos to make a point ! :::::


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/spend hours arguing technical points/

oh I see now Baz

It's all too technical for you - Shame ...

/ instead of just getting to the point/

Based on most of your posts, that must be baz-speak for 'mindless abusive comment that adds nothing to intelligent debate'

"I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you."

Nice man - no doubt he condones the burqa and female circumcision, never mind the likes of Qatada.

Respect - a joke, a total joke.
Its what the left do Baz
Pinochet of Chile had the much needed Westinghouse long range radar during the Falkland crisis. It saved Brit lives & aided the protection of the Falklands from Argentina.
There was a time when socialists wore overalls and got their hands dirty.

Now they smoke cigars, wear saville row suits and sit on sun beds.

gorgeous george.
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/i was stating a fact /

Really baz?

/Hes a grade A1 rsole always has been always will be./

Looks like a subjective opinion to me

Perhaps you need to brush up your English Comprehension and engage a few more brain cells if you want to rise from 'making a point' to the more 'technical' areas of intelligent debate
His opinion and his rather vitriolic words - I don't agree with him
He made his point very well, I was impressed.

Still can't stand the fella but fair's fair and all that... he was good.
/Not at all I was merely pointing out the fact that leaders who share a bond with a loathed dictator is not the preserve of the person currently in the line of fire. /

What does that actually mean?

Pinochet helped the UK forces out, MT owed him a debt of gratitude. Nothing more, nothing less.

Your last line - Are you also trying to degrade the debate to the ongoing spat of baz and zeuhl - which is unnecessary on both parts? I hope not, as I put you above that.
OK Zeuhl old boy. Sorry I missed your earlier post I've been otherwise engaged. The funeral for MT has been discussed between the Parties (and obviously with HM the Queen) for quite some time. It was decided that she deserved the recognition of a state funeral, but in her last will MT vetoed the idea 'in these times of economic crisis the money should not be squandered on a state funeral, and ordered that she be cremated'. David Cameron in his wisdom decided that she should be granted a 'ceremonial funeral' which was agreed upon by all concerned. To ask us, the general public I suppose would be like asking us if we were ready for a referendum on the EU. But there are too many dong dingers like George 'pussy' Galloway to confuse and delay the issue so I think he decided 'best not'.
doctordb there was a time when MPs paid for a first class ticket, to sit in a first class seat,and pay to park at a meter,and not sneak into a disabled bay .
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have the red wine open here and Uni challenge followed by Korea.

I understand where you are coming from but the difference was one of national debt - not unless you are suggesting that Pinochet is the equivalent of Galloway for helping the other nation - then arrest Gorgeous George and asap, Inspector Knacker....!

Enjoy the pints.
Steve-5 I don't think that cretin Galloway had anything to gain for the UK from his friendship with Saddam Hussein, this was a man with a record of genocide and terrible human rights abuses, worse than Pinochet. Galloway thrives on trying to be controversial and just sucks up to anyone. He ought to be shipped to Iraq and made to stay there. Whereas Pinochet for all his faults was extremely helpful to the UK during the Argentinian spat, MT always remembered her allies in times of need.
aog - don't be silly.

How can we kick George out when we are unable to get rid of Qatada?
George Galloway? I think he's a mass debater!
Sips I agree. Sir Prize one fine day we will handcuff the two together and take them. Yours faithfully AYG.
It says a lot about our country that George Galloway is the *only* Member of Parliament who offers any kind of substantive or resolute opposition to the government.
best joke that I have seen in all of this involved the Blessed Margaret coming up to meet St Peter.

"Margaret, we haven't got a place up here for four months, so we are sending you back to the UK Government for that time."

Abu Qatada was exported to Jordan inside five days later.

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