There's a cycle lane in Long Road, Cambridge, that is not long enough to accommodate the average bike, but rules is rules! At least this Council is querying the enthusiasm of their contractors.
Unless a minimum width is specified I suspect the thought was, "I have no remit not to paint here too, will get into trouble if I don't." Anyway clearly you could park a bike there. Roller skates and skateboard also.
It's part of a "Job Creation Scheme". When they've finished with alleyways, they plan to paint direction arrows on lamp posts showing which end has the light.
When a Contractor is given a job to do by the Council, it wouldn't be reasonable to expect that an official from the said Council would remain with the gang all day, every day. I would like to see the men who did the line painting, or better still, the foreman or manager being interviewed by John Humphries, or perhaps Paxo.
Surely common sense should have applied in this case ?