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Increase In Racial Prejudice

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mikey4444 | 07:07 Wed 28th May 2014 | News
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The latest results from the British Social Attitudes survey reports that racial prejudice is on the increase in Britain :::

Details from the BSA survey here ::

What do we all think of this worrying trend ?


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I don't think it's true that wealthier people (always) live in areas with lower immigration, but I do agree that people with higher levels of education tend to go into skilled areas of the economy - which have always been much better at absorbing immigration. Low-skill jobs in Britain have been in decline for a very long time now, to an extent that they are...
09:54 Wed 28th May 2014
@emmie, its not the same, people can't choose the colour of their skin or their sexual preferences, that's something happens naturally, people however can choose their religion or lack of it, to say you don't want a black person or gay person renting a room in your house is pathetic but saying you want someone of the same religion is understandable. I imagine myself living in a house full of devout catholics for instance, I doubt my jesus jokes and blarting out tunes all day would make them happy
from the first link, Wales not doing too well considering.

The BSA survey data shows wide variance in levels of prejudice throughout the UK. In combined figures for 2012-13, 16% of people questioned in inner London admitted to racial prejudice. Outer London and Scotland emerged as the next most tolerant areas, at 26% and 25% respectively. Other regions – including Wales – hovered around the 30% mark. The West Midlands emerged as the place with the highest level of self-reported prejudice at 35% – a difference deemed statistically significant.
Ive yet to see a curry house or asian corner shop with white staff.
if you want to eradicate prejudice of any description, the you have to make laws which are quite clear.
But it's a work in progress still emmie, surely you can see that? In 1980 the National Front went after Pakistani youths to beat the up, in 1880 women were not allowed the vote and could be incarcerated by their fathers or husbands for no good reason. In 1780, we bought and sold black people and treated them as commodities. In 1680 you could be hung as a witch. In 1580, you could be hung drawn and quartered for being a Catholic. In 1480 you better not be a Lancastrian. In 1380 peasants were treated as sub humans etc etc etc.
What changed? We legislated against it and now we are here, still trying to legislate for a fairer and better future for ALL.
What changed? We legislated against it and now we are here, still trying to legislate for a fairer and better future for ALL.
Depends on what you mean by 'ALL'. Is that the indigenous population, or does it include those who wish to come to these shores to gain all the advantages of residing in the UK but have no intention of integrating into mainstream society?
The immigrants who embrace these Isles and want to be a part of them in every sense, or those who wish to practice their own version of law according to their religion, whilst preaching hatred of and disgust for Western society?
Some want all the trappings but want no part of ALL.
ok here is the thing, walk around the East end, or in fact many parts of the capital you will see many many Muslims, just going on the dress - they are insular, how on earth can you converse with those who do not speak the language, nor indeed are willing to be part of the country they have come to, settled in. nor the young Asian British girls, who have adopted the style of women in Pakistan, because they think that gives them some credibility, sisters, or young Asian men born here, who go off to fight in Afghanistan or Syria as many have, how is that being part of Britain, being part of British culture, isn't that simply setting yourself up in the same way as they would had they been born in Pakistan, Afghanistan, wear the same clothes, behave the same way, and have the same ideology, separation of the sexes on education, in a Mosque, in the Universities, where huge inroads had been made on equality and the rights of women. You can't tell some of this in Britain isn't a retrograde step. I don;t have to look far to see this happening more and more, and i don't have to read this in any tabloid.
then have a look at many in the Asian communities in Britain, many are as prejudiced as its possible to be, you really should look at other cultures who don't want what you want, they want what they had in their native country, with the benefits of better homes, more money.
Question Author far as I can see you are using this serious thread to make continual rants against your usual target...Muslims.
Emmie's not ranting. She's telling the truth.
Emmie, I have experience of ' these communities' and some people in 'these communities' are indeed prejeudiced and they don't want what I want, but the vast majority of them are perfectly law abiding, perfecty pleasant people. We own quite a few houses mainly in the Sparkhill / Sparkbrook area of Birmingham and some also in London and a lot of our tenants particularly in Birmingham are Asian, so to say we have day to day dealings is not an exageration. All I seem to hear every day on here is endless Muslim bashing implying that they are all the same. they aren't. For me, that's definitive. Once I see every single Muslim I know not shaking their head in horror at the extremists then I might change my mind.
Cue: Being told they are only pretending to be 'normal' because we are their landlords.
I too have experience of such communities kvalidir.
I work with roughly 20 Muslims on a dialy basis. A couple I consider friends, one a goor friend.
There are two I mistrust, one quite severely.
I say this because he often brings translated passages from the Koran into work, along with other texts that he reads whilst in work. On more than one occasion I and my colleagues have seen the word 'Jew/Jews' and 'infidels' highlighted in these texts.
This man has very high standing within his local mosque and is respected, but it's still not the sort of behaviour I want to see from an NHS consultant.
Yeah Chill there is one guy I utterly despise, he's a vile misogynist and I think he'd quite happily knife me if he thought he could get away with it, but he's ONE person amongst lots, so I'm still not tarring everyone with the same brush that painted him.
Is not getting or liking your own family racism ?
Nor am I, but you can see where the mistrust creeps in and wonder what goes on in the mosques, can't you?
mikey, your continual stance of anyone who doesn't agree with you is to call them racists, or prejudiced, suggest you get off the soap box, and let some have their say, i don't call you a Welsh windbag, i think your opinions valid, i just don't happen to agree with them
No weecalf, that's normal! LOL
i don't call you a Welsh windbag
Oi, I heard that!
if you don't care for what i have to say then so be it, but i see what is going on around me, and its not a pretty sight, you however have blinkers on, and want Britain to be this utopian all in it together society, which won't happen, because many from these communities don't want it. They want what they had back in Poland, Lithuania, Pakistan, Afghanistan, add in any country you like, except perhaps Germany, only with a better standard of living.
chill, not you. and i wasn't, i did say before i don't do rants, not on here.
its cyberspace, no one cares, listens, why would they, there is no reality on here, only people having their say.

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