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Increase In Racial Prejudice

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mikey4444 | 07:07 Wed 28th May 2014 | News
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The latest results from the British Social Attitudes survey reports that racial prejudice is on the increase in Britain :::

Details from the BSA survey here ::

What do we all think of this worrying trend ?


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I don't think it's true that wealthier people (always) live in areas with lower immigration, but I do agree that people with higher levels of education tend to go into skilled areas of the economy - which have always been much better at absorbing immigration. Low-skill jobs in Britain have been in decline for a very long time now, to an extent that they are...
09:54 Wed 28th May 2014
because the same stuff is trotted out time and again, strangely you won't believe that there is prejudice and discrimination that still goes on,
it always will, including blacks who discriminate against other blacks and Asians who discriminate against other Asians,
if an ad says for Muslims only, be it a room in a shared house, isn't that just as wrong
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Then it would seem to contravene the law then emmie, unless there is an exception made for people of faith. What it doesn't say is that only non-white people need apply. We have plenty of white Anglo-Saxon Muslim converts in britain today or is that something else you are against ?
if an ad for a room says Christian only isn't that wrong, where does the law stand on that. If it said Black and Christian only that would be just as wrong, but its there in the ads i have linked to, you just seem to think that its white people who are prejudiced.
oh for goodness sake, you are just not getting this, it doesn't matter if they are converts, one link where it says rooms for Muslims only, and the other links say quite clearly Christians only, if you can't discriminate on colour then you shouldn't on faith.
if you can't on sexuality, then you shouldn't on anything.
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Far from not believing that discrimination and prejudice exists in Britain today, it quite obviously DOES, as the results of this annual survey quite clearly demonstrates. Are you suggesting that most of the racism in Britain today is found amongst non-white groups of people, when those groups make up a minority of our population ?

If it does exist, and I have no reason to believe it doesn't, then that is wrong as well.
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I think we need an AB expert on law here to sort things out. It may be the case that adverts like these can stipulate a certain religion. As an Atheist, I am less than happy about that, but if that is the law, then perhaps we need a campaign to change it.
To be honest I do have some sympathy with the ' certain religions only' flat shares. Have you any idea Emmie, how difficult it would be, no impossible actually, to keep a Kosher kitchen if you shared with non observant Jews. The same thing would apply to Muslims with Pork, and Gujurati vegatarians.
it does, and goes right across the board, sexism, ageism, colour, you name it, this idea that we are colour blind, everything is all hunky dory, a melting pot of people who love one another to bits is absurd as it is not possible and never will be, and its irrespective if whites are in the majority, or blacks because it will always be some in those groups who don't want to be the way you want them to be. You can make laws until you are purple in the face, it doesn't mean to say that they will like or obey them.
@emmie personally I don't think that advertising a room in a house for muslims only is wrong, neither would I think it wrong if it said only sikh or only scientologists. You are completely right imo of the racism within race, its really bad
The Equality Act may or may not cover flat shares.
The Equality Act appears to support Ferreira's view that everyone is covered. Explanatory notes published with the act say that section 33 "...makes it unlawful for a person who has the authority to dispose of premises (for example, by selling, letting or subletting a property) to discriminate against or victimise someone else in a number of ways including by offering the premises to them on less favourable terms; by not letting or selling the premises to them or by treating them less favourably."

But housing law expert Daniel Fitzpatrick, associate solicitor at Hodge Jones & Allen, argues it's "ambiguous". In general, housing legislation does not include live-in landlords and tenants, so it depends whether the Equality Act goes further, he says.

actually i have an issue with this whole idea that its white only prejudice that comes around time and again, some sympathy with what exactly, if you
have a house and you say Muslim or Christian only, because that is your belief system in action, then that is just as wrong as saying no gays, no blacks, after all, the person or family with a room to rent may not be cooking for the tenant, they are just renting a space, so it should be available to whoever, as long as they are decent tenants. if they live like pigs then you have rights to chuck them out,
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So what would you want to happen then emmie ? Should we go back to those days that made Father's life so difficult ? Get off the fence...should all our Equality and Race Relations laws be repealed ?
you really are obtuse, of course i bloody don't, but lets stop pussy footing around here, you want something no one can deliver, a utopian ideal, its not going to happen.
Asking for no one from other religions is totally different to saying no gays or no blacks

By saying no gays or blacks you are discriminating against a person because of colour or gender preference, its personal.

By saying no one of such and such religion is not personal, its more on akin with not accepting smokers to live in same house.

Do you think that 'Room in house to let, non smokers only' is wrong too?
how is it different, people do advertise for non smokers only, what is to stop them from being smokers but not allowed to smoke on the premises, surely that is acceptable. Same for pubs, you can't smoke inside, it doesn't stop the smokers, and non smokers from going though does it.
You might have heard the same 'never going to happen' rhetoric trotted out by people in favour of other sorts of inequality in the past- female emancipation and the slave trade spring to mind. Everything changes Emmie, look how far we have come. I think that's a wonderful thing. You, on the other hand, don't. I find that really sad.
by saying Christians only, isn't that personal ?
emmie, smokers stink of smoke wherever they smoke!
how on earth do you know anything about me, i think you and mikey completely miss the points i am making, that if you want no prejudice, then it should be simple you can't discriminate on any grounds,
woof, that;s a totally different matter, they might do, but other smokers wouldn't necessarily notice it.

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