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Increase In Racial Prejudice

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mikey4444 | 07:07 Wed 28th May 2014 | News
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The latest results from the British Social Attitudes survey reports that racial prejudice is on the increase in Britain :::

Details from the BSA survey here ::

What do we all think of this worrying trend ?


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I don't think it's true that wealthier people (always) live in areas with lower immigration, but I do agree that people with higher levels of education tend to go into skilled areas of the economy - which have always been much better at absorbing immigration. Low-skill jobs in Britain have been in decline for a very long time now, to an extent that they are...
09:54 Wed 28th May 2014
there is more prejudice in Oz going on some Aussie friends comments, than ever existed here, it may be getting better, but they have a massive immigration problem, those arriving and settling from Japan are not looked kindly on, nor many from dirt poor countries.
agreed emmie

my point was that 'multi culturalism' doesn't work anywhere, and isn't even perfect in places with an emphasis on establishing a new identity.
economics is a big factor; i think middle class americans who are black or white have many shared values and ideas. In Brazil I visited some affluent suburbs and shopping centres that were almost exclusively 'Blond(e)'.

It's a while since I was in Australia. I did notice wealthy Japanese 'colonizing' parts of The Gold Coast with resorts, housing developments and golf courses. They seemed to be resented in the same way some Spanish resent Brits who set up enclaves on the Costas.

Indeed, with 'multi culturalism' we are in danger of replicating in the UK the situation that we and other colonial powers are rightly condemned for; creating countries made up of disparate and incompatible cultures, values and beliefs.
we are already there, take a walk around the capital, its turned into a place that is not readily recognisable as a European city, i know its not a city, that would be the city of London, the little bit in the middle, i only say this because some joker will say you do know that London isn't a city, yes i do. however back to the point, we have large communities of Chinese who never mixed, i would add any number who can't speak a word of English, even having lived here for many years, my last venture to shops in Chinatown gave me that impression. large swathes of London are now almost Asian, TH is still mixed but not with the white communities, they have been dying off, or moving out, but Somali, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Iranian, Iraq's and Afghani's, and i truly wonder that some think this is all going to work so well, not on your life, Asians are not one group, they are Muslim, Hindu, sikh, who may not get on together, same for many Africans who have come and settled, same for African and Afro Caribbean, forget the white folks in London, they are becoming the minority, unless more East Europeans move in, to take the place of the dwindling indigenous population.
someone out there thinks this is how it works, multi cultural, multi faith, multi what, when you look at the countries they have come from, the strife, wars, and endless bloodshed. they have simply transplanted that homeland into another country.
Someone commented that people are 'fed up' of lots of things, someone else commented something like racism is more widespread among the poorly educated

I agree with the first statement and kind of agree with the second. I think really it depends a lot on the area you live in, I work with the community in a large multi-cultural, multi-nationality area, its such a run down poor area but theres very little racism. I live in a predominately white run down poor area and racism is terrible. If you live in an area like the latter then its easy to see why its different. Who in an area full of people from all over the world can say get back to your own country or you are taking our jobs/housing? none of them, but in the latter then....
i don't agree at all with the fact you have to be poorly educated to be a bigot, racist, they come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and any degree of wealth or education you can think of. The Indians know a thing or two about large scale prejudice, their caste system is second to none.

/// lol...actually I can't even begin to answer that statement. ///

Well you haven't so your Mmmmm!!!'valuable' contribution is hardly likely to be have taken on-board.
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Emmie...I agree that you don't have to be poorly educated, old or unskilled to be a racist. But the data contained in the British Social Attitudes survey would seem to conclude that you are more likely to hold racist views if you fall into those categories. It has been mentioned on here today that one of the reasons why this sort of thing is on the increase, is that we have always had quite a large minority of racists here in Britain, but up until recently, people have been ashamed to admit it. Now it seems to be a badge of honour, rather than an admittance of ignorance.

Perhaps we will soon have signs outside our guest houses again, that say "No Blacks, no dogs and no Irish"
balderdash, i bet you a pound to a Euro that there are as many closet racists in Labour, Lib Dems, than ever was in the Tory, UKIP, that many are well educated, have good jobs with loads a money, a nice life style and don't want a load of Johnny foreigners stuffing it up. Besides who is to say who is racist, after that gets bandied around an awful lot these days, many black people can be just as racist as you are suggesting whites are, that its not a preserve of poor, ill educated whites
i pointed out before that i found any number of web sites for property to let that cater for Muslims only, and others i found for Christians only, how is that supposed to be right, in your utopian world
some say you can let your property to who you please, isn't that discriminatory to someone of a different faith, be it Muslim or Christian only, and that some B&B owners have come unstuck for asking that gay couples not share a bed, as it goes against their beliefs, and been taken to court over it, and lost.
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Emmie...not sure who your 17.01 post was aimed at, but I hope it wasn't me. I haven't mentioned UKIP or any other political party on this thread. There will almost certainly be racists in all parties, as it would counterintuitive to think otherwise, so I am not sure why you are bringing the subject of politics up.

You last post at 17.06 is plain wrong. We have debated this kind of thing on here before and laws were passed to make any attempt to discriminate on racial grounds illegal. You might think that not letting property to people that you perceive of not being white enough is OK, and we don't have thought-crime in Britain yet, but if you translate those thoughts into action, you will be breaking the law. I have no intention of arguing with you or anybody else on the matter. Its the law...get used to it !
i said that i have seen these web sites which advertise for rooms to let to Muslims only, or to Christians only, how is that right, isn't that saying that we won't accept anyone else,
for goodness sake you really are slow.

i find it distasteful when this whole idiocy of No Irish, Blacks, Dogs nonsense comes up again and again, however how is it possible that we can see ads like these, where you can specify that you want a person of a certain faith,

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I have only looked at the first of those adverts but all it says is that the house concerned is a Muslim house. It doesn't say that only Muslims can apply, and for good reasons, because it would be illegal to do so, The website and any Estate Agent involved would be guilty of breaking the law, which I am sure that as professionals, they would be very careful not to do.
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It may be idiocy to you emmie but it wasn't to my father, who had difficulty
in finding somewhere to live in the post-war years, and he was British, coming from County Down in NI.
and you think he was the only one trying to find somewhere to live, i bet there were many, not just Irish, -
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I have no doubts whatsoever, that if anti-discrimination laws were repealed, we would immediately return to the ignorance and offensiveness that existed before.
We had a local Polish shop open a couple of years back. A few weeks after opening, they put up a sign that said: Polish customers only.
It was hastily removed after a visit from the local constabulary.
It was only a year after this caused a stir:

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