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Increase In Racial Prejudice

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mikey4444 | 07:07 Wed 28th May 2014 | News
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The latest results from the British Social Attitudes survey reports that racial prejudice is on the increase in Britain :::

Details from the BSA survey here ::

What do we all think of this worrying trend ?


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I don't think it's true that wealthier people (always) live in areas with lower immigration, but I do agree that people with higher levels of education tend to go into skilled areas of the economy - which have always been much better at absorbing immigration. Low-skill jobs in Britain have been in decline for a very long time now, to an extent that they are...
09:54 Wed 28th May 2014

/// YMB...can I point out that the Guardian are only reporting this story, as are the BBC :: ///

Yes and look how the Guardian chose to report it:
Agree kva with all you have said. However, do you really, really think a multi-cultural society can work, ever?
Look around you for the last 50 years Dunnitall- it has worked, well for the most part anyway. We have had race riots, we have had mistrust, violence and race related gang warfare,sometimes, but not for the most part the vast majority of white, black, Asian, Chinese, east european people live together quite happily without drama. We need to preserve this and build upon it, not tear it down because there are problem elements at work and we feel threatened.
As a latecomer to the thread I can only add my two pennorth worth by adding:
I concur with Naomi, post #2 on page 1. To believe otherwise is to be deluded.

/// It would seem to me that education is the way forward to combat racism. ///

It is the educated academic's failed utopian dream of 'one big melting pot' that has got us in this position.
Angela Merkel said as much three and a half years ago:

Chilled thanks for that, I have to agree with her sentiments and in this country, how many of the immigrants actually go out of their way to learn English, I know of many who don't. I think if anyone adopts another country as their home they should learn the language asap to at least show they have made the effort to settle in. Same as they should abide by the law of the country and not expect that country to accommodate their beliefs, culture or rules they lived by in their previous country.

/// Naomi, where to start really? Virtually nothing you stated in your initial alarmist, hysterical post is true and I'm frankly so angry that someone who appears to be well educated can hold such xenophobic opinions. ///

And are not you destroying the right of a person to voice their opinions simply because they happen to be opposite to yours, by simply by using words such as alarmist, hysterical and xenophobic?

/// People like you will hand Europe to the far right and smugly think you are doing everyone a favour when actually you are destroying the very fabric of that which you seek to preserve. ///

And what would that fabric be, 'FREE SPEECH' your kind are already trying to destroy that.

I believe in cultural diversity, freedom of religion, dietary preferences, clothing choice etc. However this country has laws and customs which should be respected by immigrants to the extent that if they cannot accept them they should remain in their country of origin.
How many of you are thinking of Emigrating?

You should ask that as a separate question TWR
The white indigenous population of this country has more right to be racist, (if that is the word) since we are only trying top protect our culture, traditions and nationality.

Just as the indigenous populations were when we came to their countries in past times, but then they threw us out and got their cultures, traditions and nationalities back.
AOG, knocking your head against a brick wall mate, " The kettle is boiling"
ask the people in the likes of Bradford what they think. have I opened the door?
// The rise in ant-semitic problems is particularly we really never learn from the past ?//

It doesn't help the situation when the Israilies are obsessed with illegally occupying Palestinion land does it ?
it hasn't worked all that well, the Chinese community is still one of the most insular in the capital, that many tolerate one another, but that is all, outside in Midsomer land how many blacks, asians, chinese do you see, almost none i would think. Its the cities that take the brunt, and London most of all.
The white indigenous population of this country has more right to be racist,

lol...actually I can't even begin to answer that statement.
cloverjo, having had to endure sitting in the council offices any number of times, i can attest the amount of people who roll up - no English, never mind they supply endless translators, almost any document can be in many languages, one leaflet i was given, with info about various council services had twenty four languages it can be translated into, come on where else could you find this, dippy country, councils, governments past and present.
actually no one has a right to be racist, no one at all, however many are, and they are not all dull witted white EDL supporters.
The concept of 'Multicultural Society' is a non-beneficial nonsense in the first place and a disaster waiting to happen. I can't think of anywhere in the World it really works.

Places like Australia and Brazil are often cited but these are countries with a strong unifying identity; Australians for instance may be Lebanese or Greek originally and will rightly retain and express many cultural aspects from their ethnic origins but there is a great emphasis placed on being above all, 'Australian'. Ditto 'Brazilian', 'American' etc

And these are of course all 'new' countries.

Nevertheless it can still work in 'old' countries such as the UK, having British people who retain cultural characteristics from their ethnic origins enriches our country, but they must above all, want to share common values and core beliefs with other British people and be, above all, British - albeit their variation of it.
i am not convinced you are right at all on that, having spent a little time in US they are as segregated by colour as many an old country, they may say they are Americans, but are lumped like we are into categories, Afro American, American Asian, and so on, we have followed suit over time with many forms you fill in, which divides us this way, where once they didn't.
as to the people in Brazil, they are divided more by abject poverty v extreme wealth,

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