AOG - "andy-hughes
/// It is the result of indifference, irrelevance, and the inability of the Church to drag itself away from its twelfth century idolatory, hypocracy, abuse of power, and general serial unpleasantness. ///
And as if Islam is living in the 21st century? At least Western Christianity has learnt over the years to stop behaving in a barbaric way, unlike Islam which is still practising their barbarous and savage ways.
If this is your attempt to shy us away from any criticism of Islam, you have failed miserably."
I wqould totally dispure that Western Christianity 'has learned to stop behaving in a barbaric way'.
My point was not one of comparisons of bad behaviour, but if it were, the abuses carried out under the guise of Christianity, aside from the issue of constant and unacknowledged child abuse would certainly stack up against anything that the wider Muslim faith can do in its own name.
I am not getting into an argument about extremist doctrine and behaviour on either side - that is not the issue under debate here.
It is certainly not my attempt to "shy you away from any criticism of Islam...".
If you want to criticise Islam, or any other faith, feel free, my only argument will be if i think your cricitism is unfair, in which case we can debate.
But as far as defending Islam from criticism per se, that's not my remit - I do not worship in that faith, I have no axe to grind either way.